Thursday, May 23, 2019

Case study: mock interview using lowest common ancestor in binary tree

May 23, 2019


It is my mock interview 10:00 PM PST on May 22, 2019, and I like to conduct a case study, and share how I explore the algorithm and work closely with the interviewee on this algorithm: lowest common ancestor in binary tree.

Case study

I modified the post shared on Leetcode discuss, and then I added what I learned through mock interview as an interviewer.

I worked hard to use the example to explain preorder traversal, and use test case (starting root node 3a using preorder to find node 2d.

Here is the modified post on

Feedback from the interviewer

Feedback from the interviewee

Actionable Items

I had two cases the interviewee worked on graph algorithm problem solving, and I was told by the interviewee that he liked to terminate the interview because of anxiety, the interivewee only spent first 20 minutes on mock interview.

In order for me to make it learning experience, I have to lower the standard and make it helpful for both of us in mock interview. I like to adapt and make it good learning experience.

The interviewee usually works hard after the work or weekends to work on algorithm and data structure. It is not easy task at all.

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