Saturday, April 1, 2017

Algorithm talk - my poor analysis breakdown

April 1, 2017


Muscle memory or analysis? Julia learned a lesson and she likes to write down to help herself grow her career. My poor analysis breakdown is to show that Julia tried to control something she has no control, her analysis talent. She built up the talent through practice, but it needs tuned. She learned quickly to dismiss negative feeling and learned to reproduce the issues through mocking experience, later she can overcome the fear and get into zone.

Julia used to work on a lot of assignments for real analysis and abstract algebra, combinatorics course, introduction to cryptography; usually she learned some theorem first, and then try to apply those theorem on the real problems. Proving something is real fun and it takes a lot of discipline.

But mathematics talent is like muscle, you do not use it and then you lose it, based on the fact that "You build muscle, but it becomes fat if you do not maintain it, strength it with sports activity".  Julia likes to find some court to practice her thinking, get some training daily. Therefore, as a software programmer, she can approach hard algorithm carefully and then generate ideas to solve the problem.

Case study 

Will come back after a month to write down when spring season is over. Summer is here.

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