Monday, January 24, 2022

【投资书友会】在股市牛市中我们应该看的书: The Psychology of Money

Jan, 24, 2022

Here is the link.

#投资书推荐,#投资知识,#投资心理学, 2021年的第一期视频终于来了。最近感冒,更新慢了,望大家见谅 。本期视频我将为大家推荐一本2020年刚发布的新书。这本书对我们当下牛市当中的心态非常有帮助。它综合了很多书里关于投资心理学的内容,内容简单易懂,有非常多的例子,一点也不学术,我们每个人都能感同身受。同时我还会为大家推荐相关的4本书。所以这个视频总共涉及到5本书。 书的链接: Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence Amazon (US and Canada): 【台】《跟錢好好相處:幸福的關鍵,是找到金錢與人生的平衡點》 【陆】《富足人生:要钱还是要命》—绝版买不到

相关的书籍: Outliers The Millionaire Next Door The Intelligent Investor Early Retirement Extreme

30 minutes - learn better by watching the video 

  1. Room for error - margin of safety, the intelligent investor 
  2. Single point of failure - one stock, and all eggs in one basket
  3. One income source - job is the only income, and you do not have freedom - You will change 
  4. Invest index fund long term 
  5. Sunken cost - strategy - error - 
  6. Yahoo stock - used to go up all the time, value investor, momentum investor
  7. Long time investor - make mistakes - beginner 
  8. EV stock, TELSA stock, SP 500 index, Gary black 
  9. Average return - investor firms - compare to peers, it does not care about ...
  10. Invest using your own savings
Second round 
  1. 401K, 1978, IRA 1998, RRSP 1957, TFSA 2009
  2. No one is crazy 
  3. Be curious, contempt before investigation - No one is crazy
  4. Luck and risk - 
  5. Never enough - John Bogle, story about enough, A and B, A is author, B is billionaire, enough 

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