Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hackerank: Road in hacker land

Feb. 20, 2018


It is my favorite algorithm called union find algorithm. It can be Kruskal algorithm. I did have a lot of practice recently. It is so good to come back to work on the algorithm again.

Algorithm study 

Plan to review the algorithm by studying the blog.

给一个联通的无向图,求所有点对之间的距离和。其中每条边的距离都是 2 的幂且互不相同。

  • 每条边距离为 2 的幂且不相同,意味着选择长的边很可能是不好的。
  • 这道题跑最短路显然不大可能,因为需要求所有点对的距离和。最优解是最小生成树,接下来来证明。
  • 假设最优解不是最小生成树,那么去掉其中长度最长的边(长度为 k)后再增加若干条长度小于 k 的边仍能使其联通。先去掉最长的边,那么有一些点对会无法联通,这些点对的距离至少为 2^k,现在增加一些边使其联通,那么这些点对的距离至多是 2^0+2^1+2^2++2^k−1<2^k,从而得到一个更优解,所以假设不成立。
  • 既然是最小生成树,那么需要求一下这棵树上每条边的贡献,这个问题就比较简单了,跑一边 dfs 即可。


Please use the code for Union find algorithm Island count II for the template, and apply the same technique on this algorithm. Here is the link. 

Quick union algorithm

I like to review the practice on quick union algorithm. Here is the link: 

Quick find algorithm

I reviewed the quick find algorithm more than one month ago. Here is the link: 

A mock interview discussion

I remembered that the peer gave me the question and test my disjoint set data structure. I chose to use depth first search and then had some idea to use hashset only data structure. Here is the discussion.

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