Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Easy, medium and hard level algorithm as a combo

Feb. 7, 2018


It is so interesting to meet a peer fourth time in less than three months starting Nov. 2017, and I had to work on Sudoku solver algorithm the third time. The first time I did write the algorithm, second time I skipped, and the third time I skipped, but the peer gave me favor to ask me a few more algorithms. He asked me if I like to have a medium or hard level. I explained that I should handle hard level algorithm since I am not a new graduate, so he started from easy, and then medium and the hard level three algorithms in the row. The whole discussion took less than 40 minutes.

House robbery easy level, extend algorithm medium level, and word square hard level three algorithm.

Here is the transcript. I will look into those algorithms.

The pseudo code is written by the peer. I got the idea and explained to the peer. But the peer likes me to write down the pseudo code, so he did for me instead. Because I was too nervous, I could not believe that I figured out all three algorithms correctly, but I could not write clearly as I did in explanation using pure English words. Certainly the peer was very good at whiteboard interview, he could write very clearly than I should have done as an interviewee.

House robbery

Leetcode 198 easy level, Leetcode 213 medium level

Word Square

Here is Leetcode discussion link.

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