Tuesday, April 24, 2018

FLAG salary research

April 24, 2018


It is so interesting to have a mock interview this 8:00 PM. The peer told me that I am such a nice algorithm and data structure teacher, I should go for a teacher job. No one spends over 3 years to learn algorithm and data structure so well. I laughed about it, and then I said that the teaching is paid by a course.

We had a few minutes to discuss about the code review, what kind of feedbacks I got from the Sudoku algorithms?

So my research of today from 10:50 PM - 11:10 PM twenty minutes is about the salary of FLAGS. Let me review the article again. Here is the link.

FLAGS salary

Here is the article in Chinese.

Follow up 

April 28, 2018

I met a person through mock interview 12:00 PM, so I was told to check the website called levels.fyi. I plan to spend 30 minutes to look into the website.

May 7, 2018

Here is the survey called Canada new graduate offers 2017 - 2018.

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