Monday, January 21, 2019

979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree

Jan. 21, 2019


It is the algorithm of weekly contest 120. I wrote one solution in the contest but it does not work. I took some time to learn and write a solution based on the discuss shared by my favorite player. 

My practice 

Here is my submission. 

I wrote a solution in the contest but it does not work. Here is the gist.

I learn the tip in the following:

We traverse children first (post-order traversal), and return the balance of coins. For example, if we get '+3' from the left child, that means that the left subtree has 3 extra coins to move out. If we get '-1' from the right child, we need to move 1 coin in. So, we increase the number of moves by 4 (3 moves out left + 1 moves in right). We then return the final balance: -3 (left) + 1 (right) - 1 (keep one coin for the root) + r->val (coins in the root).

The above image is the copy from the leetcode discuss

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