Monday, July 25, 2016

HackerRank - world codesprint #5 Longest increasing subsequence arrays

July 25, 2016

Problem website:

Analysis from editorial:
Because we must use numbers from  to fill each array and we must be able to build an -element LIS for each array, we know each number from to  must appear in the array in increasing order.
We can select  positions where  to  will be placed such that  is placed in the first selected position,  is placed in the second position, , and so on. To avoid overcounting, we impose that there is no  before , no  between the position of  and , and so on. Note that after , we are free to place any value  we want.
For each chosen arrangement, how many ways are there to fill the remaining gaps? There are  unfilled cells and there are  values we can use to fill each position (except the segment from , which can accommodate until ). If we let , we can place .
If we loop over the values of  from  to , then:
Note that after we place the values in the last segment of length , we're left with an array of length  in which the last element must be . That's why we can only choose  integers.
This has a complexity of , provided you precalculate properly.
C# code to study:

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