Thursday, July 21, 2016

Merge N sorted Array - merge sort from bottom-up implementation

July 21, 2016

   Merge N sorted arrays - C# practice

Time complexity analysis:

N sorted array, each array length is k, so the time complexity:

2k * N/2 + 4k * N/4 +... + 2^logN k * N/ (2^logN) = kN logN,

Today's research topic:
Coding is more of science, or just muscle memory, go for the intuition.

1. bottom-up implementation merge sort

2. Master Theorem - T(N) = 2T(N/2) + O(N)

3. Time complexity - come out kNlogN analysis

Read the article, and understand better about merge sort:


Bitonic Mergesort
external merge sort - disk/ tape drives
external merge sort
merge sort
  - not inplace - must be allocated for the sorted output to be stored in
parallel mergesort
polyphase merge sort
natural merge sort - similar to a bottom up merge sort
stable sort,
tiled merge sort algorithm

Bottom-up implementation
Top-down implementation

comparison-based sorting algorithm

master theorem

average and worst-case performance

Lecture notes study:  (work on lecture notes, write down some interesting topic, do some research!)

Actionable item:
Add study time 10 minutes for computer science, review theorems, lecture notes when writing a new blog.

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