Friday, July 29, 2016

Simplify your programs with LINQ - Language Integrate Query (LINQ) study series IV

July 29, 2016

 LINQ - blogs to read:


1. Initialize an array
int[] a = Enumerable.Repeat(-1,10).ToArray(); 
int[] b = Enumerable.Range(0,10).ToArray(); 
int[] c = Enumberable.Range(0,10).Select(i=>100+10*i).ToArray(); 

Enumerable.Repeat, Range, 
no for loops necessary, using LINQ 

2. Iterate over multiple arrays in a single loop

foreach(var x in array1)

foreach(var x in array2)

foreach(var x in array1.Concat(array2))

LINQ operates at the enumerator level (?), it will not allocate a new array to hold elements of array1 and array2. So, space-efficient. 

3. Generate a random sequence

Random rand = new Random(); 
var randomSeq = Enumerable.Repeat(0,N).Select(i=>rand.Next()); 

lazy nature of LINQ, the sequence is not pre-computed and stored in an array, but instead random numbers are generated on-demand, as you 

iterate over randomSeq. 

4. Generate a string 

Generate a strign with the repeating pattern "ABCABCABC..." of length N. 

string str = new string(Enumerable.Range(0,N).Select(i => (char)('A' + i%3)).ToArray()); 

string values = string.Join(string.Empty, Enumerable.Repeat(pattern, N).ToArray()); 

5. Convert sequences or collections 

IEnumerable<string> strEnumerable = ...;
IEnumerable<object> objEnumerable = strEnumerable.Cast<object>(); 

List<string> strList = ...;
List<object> objList =  new List<object>(strLsit.Cast<object>()); 

var objList = strList.Cast<object>().ToList(); 

6. Convert a value to a sequence of length 1

IEnumerable<int> seq = Enumerable.Repeat(myValue, 1); 

7. Iterate over all subsets of a sequence

For small input, three problems:

subset sum
boolean satisfiability
knapsack problem

NP-complete problems - 

solve easily by iterating over all subsets of some sequence:

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