Friday, July 1, 2016

Office politics, hard conversation, company culture study

July 1, 2016

  Spend 20 minutes to do some research about office politics. Study the article and write down some notes. Julia did some research before - office politics.

  It is better to focus on thing easy to control, work on communication instead. She takes baby steps, learns to improve communication. But, it is worthy of time to study the article.

  How facebook tries to prevent office politics?

 Office politics is very good topic, Julia learns not to waste time on it. Try to move it positive directions. Do not take it personal, think about how to win together, do not let emotion take control. Learn to play very good team sports through tennis helps a lot. Julia just keeps calm, and active and move forward with creative ideas/ solutions.

 Here is the notes from the article.

Five tactics:
1. Look for empire builders, self-servers, and whiners in the hiring process - and don't hire them.
Hire best and smartest people they can find.
Priorities are company, team, and self - in that order.

2. Take the incentive out of "climbing the ladder".
At Facebook, moving into management is not a promotion. It's a lateral move, a parallel track.

Managers are people with strong people skills.
Individual contributors (ICs) should be your best minds for informing team goals and direction.
Use "hackamonth", where ICs can take a month to help another team on a specific project. It helps to keep talent at the company, keep mold from growing on our team.

3. Be open and transparent, and create opportunities for voices to be heard.
  • make escalation "legal"
  • frequent question-and-answer sessions with leadership. 
  • Engagement surveys
4. Make everyone accountable, so personal bias can't creep into decision making. 
5. Train your leaders to effectively manage politics out of conversations. 
    ... we train employees on how to have hard conversation. We tell them when they see something they don't like, they should start by telling the other person what they saw, how they felt, and what the result of that action was. 
   ... we tell them not to assume you understand the why - start by trying to understand the other person's perspective. Doing so helps avoid the kinds of resentment that can lead to political behavior. 

More readings:

Facebook core values: 
1. Be bold  2. Focus on impact  3. Move fast  4. Be Open 5. Build Social Value 

5. Hard Conversation culture

6. Chinese blogs about career, facebook:

7. Data driven, A/B testing, great article:

More reading:
Dec. 3, 2016

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