Sunday, January 21, 2018

Word count algorithm practice

January 21, 2018


It is another mock interview at 4:00 pm. I had to work on the algorithm called word count in a sentence. The task is to lower the char in sentence, replace ' using empty space, split into words using delimiter string ".!,", and then store words to Dictionary<string, int>, and then apply bucket sort, and then output to array.

30 minutes is the time limit for me to write. I could not finish it.

Please complete the code

Here is the code I wrote in 30 minutes in mock interview. I like to spend time to write today and complete it to pass all test cases on mock interview platform.

Follow up 

January 23, 2018

Here is C# code to pass all test case. I spent over 30 minutes to read Regular.Split and String.Split and figure out how to specify delimiters, how to specify multiple using +, using [ and ] to enclose all delimiters, and understand ( and ) meaning.

C# code is here.

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