Friday, June 21, 2019

10 benefits to master a tree algorithm

June 21, 2019


It is my short research. I like to write a 10 benefits to master a tree algorithm. Today I was under pressure, since I have to prepare an online code assessment in a week, counting starting from this past Monday, but I still choose to use lowest common ancestor. Why, I should test the algorithm I have problems on, Coin change 2.

10 benefits

I like to use tree algorithm in mock interview, since I learn that dynamic programming will be very easy to write if the interviewee knows the solution.

I will write down my experience here later. 10 benefits, let me write down one at least first.

It is hard to master the tree algorithm called lowest common ancestor. I did ask another tree algorithm over six months over 20 people from 2018 to 2019 called longest univalue path, just after the first time I practiced the easy level tree algorithm on August 2018.

In order to master the tree algorithm lowest common ancestor (LCR), I have to learn how to master the recursive function design, early termination of traversal, preorder/ post order traversal, how to find path from p to root, how to efficiently save the path information for another one to look up, how to work with so many talent people and learn from them.

There are issues related to code performance, tree algorithm in general how to solve using recursive function.

I also need to learn from interviewees, so that I can behave best in problem solving. Figure out how people learn and work with others, solve problem together.


1. I can help interviewee better, drop hint, give quick inside, expedite the process interviewee solves problem;
2. I also challenge myself to learn more about how to analyze problem instead of memorizing all kinds of solutions I learn through interviews;
3. I have to constantly follow up with a practice after mock interview;

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