Thursday, July 19, 2018

Cracking the facebook coding interview - the approach

July 19, 2018


I searched google and then I came cross this slideshow. Here is the link. Here is the handout.

I like to write down a few lines of notes for the video talk prepared by Gayle.


Design question

Scope - scope the problem -> ask question, make appropriate assumptions
key components -> can be somewhat naive
Identify -> Issues -> bottlenecks, tradeoffs
Repair & Redesign

Discuss top -> down

Push yourself

34:51/ 1:47
When I ask you a question, my assumption is that you do not know how to solve it. You will be comfortable to seeing a problem, being hard, and finding techniques to make progress.

If you practice, the technique is to look up the back of the book. You will be out-of-luck in the interview. So really feel the comfortable to push yourself. (35:12)

It is not quantity game. It is about quality. Spend time to push yourself. It is hard, find techniques to make progress.


Here is the link of page on resource page.

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