Saturday, July 28, 2018

Leetcode easy level algorithm training progress report

July 28, 2018


It is time for me to write a report for my last two report Leetcode easy level training. I have worked so hard and then I submitted more than 30 algorithms in two weeks. This is the first time I did submit 30 algorithms in less than two weeks.

Progress report

Here are some facts:

1. My leetcode profile is here.  130/869, 147 submissions last year.
2. July 17 - July 31, 2018 two weeks practice github folder containing all source code. Here is the link.

I had chance to read more content about algorithms, and those content could not find using Google or other resource. I find most hard working people who know how to train themselves so hard.

I have so many issues with those easy level algorithms. I just could not enumerate how many times I stumble and how many things I like to learn from those algorithms. I have to push myself hard and also try to move forward with new algorithms.

I change my attitude, I do not stay on same emotion too long. I need to go to work, solve an algorithm and write code. I have to take risk to implement my idea first, and then talk to myself to simplify the idea, and beat the odds to finish in less than 10 minutes. Sometimes I give up and start a brand new ideas.

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