Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How smart you can control your expense?

July 24, 2018


It is 11:39 PM. I like to do 10 minutes study about controlling expenses. My argument is that a smart programmer should be very smart to control his/ her expense. We all know that the software programmer as a career is not easy one. Specially I had met a few people on the job market and I understand how stressful it is.

My understanding is that very good software product can be built by so many iterations. If the living expenses and job security is questionable, then the software programmer will not have too much determination to optimize the product.

I need to learn better to control my expense. I like to do some study on this topic as well.

Actionable Item

Next time do not spend over $300 dollars on any project, set a cap value to $300.00. I have to count tax paid, all living expenses paid in order to save those money.

I need to plan carefully. Money cannot buy success.

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