Wednesday, August 22, 2018

First 150 leetcode algorithms and then research

August 22, 2018


It is very interesting topic how to train yourself using first 150 leetcode algorithm. I am trying different ideas right now for my training. I do enjoy easy level array algorithms and I have good time to work on those algorithm.

Here is the article related to top-talented young graduate Siyi Fan and his sharing for algorithm and data structure preparation. is the by far the website that I benefited the most for preparing for explaining my thought process. It is a tech blog briefing about each class algorithm and classic example problems. Tech blog fits the tempo of an interview perfectly: both of them are trying to convey a crystal clear idea in a time-efficient and concise manner. For every single programming problem within the 150, I made sure to reflect on what algorithm is behind the problem. Then I will thoroughly read the article about the algorithm, as well as the example problems and their solutions.

Hard work

I know that hard work is most important thing for me to do.

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