Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Leetcode 1: Two sum - Love keeps no record of wrongs

August 29, 2018


It is so surprising that I had chance to review the code I wrote more than three years ago. Here is the link.

I like to write a blog about the algorithm, and I like to highlight what I have learned based on the code I wrote in 2015.

Review line by line 

Here is the C# code I wrote in 2015.

At that time, I did not experience code review on, I can get free advice on my algorithms. Also I did not have enough wisdom to pick up good crafting skills.

I did not master C# programming language very well after working full time five years, day in and day out using C# to do software programmer job.

I was shy and I did not write any coding blog as a daily habit, and I did not express myself so often.

I did not talk to over 300 software programmer and help each other to prepare for the interviews. Even though I meet people at meetup for software industry, but no one talked to me about coding and crafting.

In summary, back to 2015, it is like ancient history for me. I just know that I was happy and younger.

I like to talk about code smells, crafting skills, Array.Sort and all other things one by one later.

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