Saturday, November 30, 2019

5 minutes sharing: Willingdon church Chinese eagle reunion sharing

Nov. 30, 2019


It is our reunion and we met at Formosa academy. We used to get together in Willingdon church starting from December 2010. After 2016, we stopped get-together, now it is 10 year reunion.


We have 45 adults and 25 kids, now the old kids are 8 years old.

I am so glad to meet those friends again. Most of them grew up, married, with kids, one person left in 2013 and came back with wife and 4 year old son. I am still the same, work in the same job last 10 years, and still rent a small bedroom last 10 years. I am getting old, kind of easy to forget things, people's name, and all other things. My eye bleed yesterday and it is hard for me.

I did not attend Willingdon church starting from Nov. 2018 after I chose to start to work on personal finance. I felt so touched by so many friends, and so happy to watch them to grow into middle 30s or close to 40 years old, best years in their life.

What I shared is the story how I landed in Canada from 2010, how I find Willingdon church and met in the small group Willingdom Chinese single group.

I went to road trip 14 days to Vancouver in 2010, on the road trip to Yosemite, I got a call from my friend in Florida, and her classmate purchased a home in 47th st., so that was my first home. I rented a small bedroom, and attended the church they went. In December, I started to join Willingdon church. That year I was 44 years old.

I was naive and I chose to attend younger people single group instead of my age group. I learned that at the time people in the group are young and lack of business skills or other things. I also was cheated every year to go to same Chinese auto shop, my car's brake would not work, and I went back to the shop; I asked to change the engine oil, the Chinese mechanic let go my brake oil. I still went back. I did see a lot of issues in my skills to live and do business in Vancouver.

I talked about a few things from 2010 to 2017. I talked about car accident and I got hit from behind, the accident and what the accident taught me.

I talked about last meeting I asked Angela, what if I purchased a condo, then I could not afford it. She told me to sell it.

Now the condo price is doubled, after 10 years in Vancouver, I plan to migrate to other city, cheap house and then I should think about retirement. I am over the hill.

I talked about the behavior I had did not match my age. My college classmate told me that I should not do things people do in 28 years old, like her son working in Amazon Seattle. I asked what she did, one time she told me that she invests on stock market.

I did not attend the church after Nov. 2018, I was involved a lot of personal finance research. I am back in stock market. I did not learn from 2010 to 2018. I was stubborn and then now it is hard for me to learn the lesson how to invest.

This reunion reminded me that I should go back to attend Christian get-together.

Relentless by Tim Grover (Book Summary)

Here is the link.

改变我人生的3本好书 📖| 3 Must Read Books for Young Adults [ENG CC]

Here is the link.

理财Q&A: 年轻人理财最常见的5大误区 | 5 Common Misconceptions in Family Financial Planning

Here is the link.

理财Q&A: 20/30岁如何做好理性投资 | How to Invest as Young Adults

Here is the link.

Emotions - greedy, fear two biggest emotions
Buy low and sell high

long term to buy low and sell high - emotion affects judgement

Stock, mutual fund, and there is no strategy -

No strategy - risk, too many portfolio
take everything out
put everything into the market

No depth knowledge - Graham - teach how to invest?

90% investor loses money

透彻的分析, 本金的安全,

investment strategy - dollar cost average - $5,000 dollar into stock market, divide $500, 10 times,

The Power of Zero, Revised and Updated: How to Get to the 0% Tax Bracket and Transform Your Retirement

Here is the link.

理财Q&A: 年轻人如何做好个人理财&财富积累 | How to Better Manage Money in America

Here is the link.

理财 1. 风险管控 2. 税收平衡 3. 资产灵活性

理财Q&A: 90%的人都没听过的省钱/存钱妙招 | The Best Ways to Increase Savings 90% of People Don't Know

Here is the link.

My ten year home as a renter in the city of Vancouver

June 30, 2019


It is time for me to review my last 10 years as a renter in the city of Vancouver. I stay the same place from 2010 December to Nov. 30, 2019. I like to write a case study about my renting experience.

10 years renting

I came to Vancouver on April 14, 2010. I went to Yosemite national park, I travel with my friend on 14 days road trip. I got a call from Florida, my friend called me and told me that her high school classmate just bought a house in 47th ave, it was empty and they were working on renovation of bathroom. So I got my first home in the east Vancouver. I stayed there until Dec. 2010.

I moved to second place in the city of Vancouver, less than 1 mile away from my first home 47th ave.

2019 June - 2019 November six month baby investor

Nov. 30, 2019


It is very stressful to stay in the stock market even though I already know all the analysis of my own portfolios, I did research based on Canada retirement guide and do believe that the research makes sense. The road to take risk is tough, one thing I can manage is to stay in the market one year and learn from one year experience.

My portfolios

I already stayed in the market over 6 months. I totally felt good last 10 years to let fund stay in bank with 1% interest or no interest, but stay in the market and go up and down, I feel stressful. It is called loss aversion.

I had painful experience in short time in 2001 and in 2009. But I did not think carefully, over 20% loss, and then put all my USA fund in IRA CD or money market fund over 10 years. Even though each year only less than 1% interest.

It is called stubborn, getting old, no more learning in my personal finance. It is hard for me to push myself to advance in my career, so I chose to work on personal finance instead. Now I feel that it is tough to live a life like staying in market.

I can push myself to stay in the market one year. I will see how many things I learn, every time I feel stressful, I will try to learn something new on personal finance.

Actionable items

Based on my experience in 2001 and 2009, I did not invest enough time to learn investment. I just did the investment and managed my 401 K and IRA. I did not fully review every year. So this bad habit of personal finance caused me struggle last 23 years in north America.

It is better for me to invest time to learn basics first. I learned how to work on algorithm and data structure last five years, I like to use those experience to work on my personal finance as well.

Case study: I got a red eye

Nov. 30, 2019


It is tough for me to catch up health management. I recently was busy at work and my own projects , but I got a red eye starting from Nov. 29, 2019. Life is tough when I have a red eye. I can feel the stress and pain around my eye last two days.

One picture worth million words

I also had a few instances of headache around August first time in my life. I had a few times and I went to see walk-in clinics.

Right now I have to look into possible issues related to this incident.

Case study: Comparison to engineers in Sillicon Valley

Nov. 30, 2019


It is no surprise that I will meet very talent engineers on as an interviewer. I have to hold high standards, but I also am hard working super talent programmer, I should treat people with fairness. Hard working, good test skills, problem solving is very important, I am not searching top 5% on weekly contest on

Case study

I decided to make changes. Last three months I just used two algorithms to test so many engineers. Yesterday I decided to ask two new algorithms. 

I asked two algorithms in last six month weekly contest. I also failed or struggled to solve in weekly contest. So the interviewee performed much better than me. He solved both of them.

Today I learned that he is principle engineer in a very big hardware company in Sillicon Valley.

I met so many engineers working for Amazon, Facebook, Google and Oracle; every time I was surprised to learn that those people will beat me to compete a job based on coding interviews.

你可以聰明的懶惰,但絕不要愚昧的勤勞! | 《其實工作不必這麼累》 | 艾爾文

Here is the link.


01:49 除非你是有意識的去檢視 否則你不顧一切的勤勞 可能只是徒勞 03:35 將帥無能 累死三軍 05:16 先停下來思考如何有效的做事 你會驚覺工作效益的快速成長 學習聰明的工作 而不是只會拼命的工作 06:46人生有很多重要的事 但記得不是每件事都很重要。 忙碌之餘要停下來思考,現在過的生活是不是當初自己想過的生活;未來想走的路,是不是連結到腳下正在走的路。

Side Hustle review

Here is the link.

What I want to share today is "Side Hustle," a book whose theme is about entrepreneurship, but I will focus on where any job can be applied. SIDE HUSTLE's Chinese is "Reunification." In my opinion, the word "rehabilitation" represents multiple occupations or diversified sources of income. In addition, it also has the meaning of "copying" to duplicate one's own ability and bring about a new source of income. Therefore, I give a definition of "business recovery": give play to your existing ability and create a source of income other than the principal job. How to do it? The way I recommend 4 o'clock in the movie.

I like to make money while I sleep

Nov. 30, 2019


It is my personal finance research. I like to learn how to invest on stock market based on index fund, I like to take risk and push myself to feel comfortable to put my 80% saving in Canada into Questrade instead of Scotia bank. I have to push myself to learn how to make money while I sleep.

Toughest project 

I have to believe the knowledge is power. The more I learn, the more I earn.

Here are my highlights to invest on stock market index funds, how busy I was to catch up to learn, being able to manage $62,000 Canadian dollars into stock market, and also I manage $26,000 US dollars 401 K and IRA account.

1. Work on risk, volatility and worst case of my portfolio
2. Work on time the market, time in the market research
3. Work on my psychology of investment, and I like to be a happy long term investor.
4. Work on management of condo in Florida. I have to study market and find best tenants I can and maintain good relationship with tenants.

Actionable Items

It is most important for me to get educated in finance literacy. I should prepare worst case scenario, and then I can make money while I sleep. Bear market will not last more than three  years. After three years, I will learn how to invest better and learn the value of patience and wealth grown with USA economy.

Case study: I cut my own hair in 2019 to save time and $10 dollars each cut

Nov. 30, 2019


It is time for me to push myself to take more risk to accumulate wealth, I started to invest into index fund in May 2019. And also I cut my own hair, and then like to save one hour and also $10.00 dollars.

Case study

It is hard for me to catch up good hair style. I like to try various ideas to maintain my hair style. I know that it is much more important to keep me more healthy and spend more time to play sports.

I like to post one picture to show I walk around my neighborhood, with my haircut style.

10個現在不停止,將來會後悔的理財行為!| 就是艾理財#11

Here is the link.

10个要避开的理财行为(盲点) 1.把钱花掉后才开始想存钱 2.存款经常见底,但还是不肯做预算 3.只想学习获利方法,却对控管风险没兴趣(要看概率) 4.有钱投资,却没钱还贷款(贷款老得快) 5.没有习惯写购物清单,想买什么就买什么 6.不肯掌握自己的现金流(要记账观察自己) 7.老是说“钱再赚就有”(要花时间赚钱) 8.不计算,不计划,只计较自己没那个命(要指望自己) 9.拼命存,却不懂得花(要有计划的花) 10.把(别人)短期的报酬,看成(自己)长期会有的获利

Case study: a small lobster meal

Nov. 30, 2019


It is my breakfast. I cooked the small lobster and had my breakfast. It is long time since I had a lobster. This is the first one in my last 10 years in Canada.

Learn to be frugal

I had hard time to think about my right eye yesterday. It was bleeding and my last time is left eye in October. The duration is less than two months.

I have to look into the issue.

I just chose a small remedy to purchase a lobster in Costco to entertain myself. Life is tough. I need to keep myself healthy. I need to look into the issue.

In October, I went to Google GHC event, I got my friend's home after 12:00 AM, I let my trunk lid hit my head. Next two days my left eye bleed.

Case study: How to be a sponsor as a lonely Canadian?

Nov. 30, 2019


It is my personal finance research. I study millionaire mindset, I read the book, but I often think about how to be a sponsor as a lonely Canadian. How to support my nephew a 25 year old to start his life in Canada?


It is very serious topic. I have to think again and again. I have to evaluate how much I can spend and support since I turned 53 years old last Month.

I do believe that I should let it go. My brother can afford the payment of $250,000 Chinese yuan for a car, he can pay more than five people salary in the city of Yichun, Jiangxi province, as a small business owner. I should think about myself how to settle down in Canada.

I think that a young person does not work and stay at home more than three years, he has problems to get into society. He could not take a minimum pay job, and then he will have tough time to face reality in Canada.

Life is tough here in Canada.

Case study: Mock interview letter tiles possibilities

Dec. 1, 2019


It is the first time I like to ask new algorithms in my mock interviews. I like to review a few algorithms before I work on an online code screen this weekend. I asked the algorithm I just reviewed called Letter tiles possibilities. Here is my post.

Mock interview case study

The transcript starts here:

import java.util.*;
* To execute Java, please define "static void main" on a class
* named Solution.
* If you need more classes, simply define them inline.
class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
strings.add("Hello, World!");
strings.add("Welcome to CoderPad.");
strings.add("This pad is running Java " + Runtime.version().feature());
for (String string : strings) {
public static int possibleSequence(String inp) {
Set<String> set = generateSequences(inp.toCharArray());
return 0;
public static Set<String> generateSequences(char[] chars) {
Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
if (chars.length == 1) {
return set;
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
char temp = chars[0]; // put ith to 0th
chars[0] = chars[i];
chars[i] = temp;
char[] rem = new char[chars.length - 1]; // take one off
System.arraycopy(chars, 1, rem, 0, rem.length); // rem -
Set<String> result = generateSequences(rem); // hashset
for (String res: result) { //
set.add(String.format("%s%s", String.valueOf(chars[0]), res)); //?
set.add(String.format("%s", res)); // ?
"A" ?
"B" ?
Char[0] + "A"
Char[0] + "B"
temp = chars[0];
chars[0] = chars[i];
chars[i] = temp;
return set;
You have a set of tiles, where each tile has one letter tiles[i] printed on it. Return the number of possible non-empty sequences of letters you can make.
Example 1:
Input: "AAB"
Output: 8
Explanation: The possible sequences are "A", "B", "AA", "AB", "BA", "AAB", "ABA", "BAA".
Example 2:
Input: "AAABBC"
Output: 188
Find permutations for all possible lengths, factor in repeating
n! / (n - r)!
1 <= tiles.length <= 7
tiles consists of uppercase English letters.
End here.

Case study: Mock interview complete binary tree

The transcript starts from here:
import java.util.*;
* To execute Java, please define "static void main" on a class
* named Solution.
* If you need more classes, simply define them inline.
class Solution {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
strings.add("Hello, World!");
strings.add("Welcome to CoderPad.");
strings.add("This pad is running Java " + Runtime.version().feature());
for (String string : strings) {
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(1);
root.left = new TreeNode(2);
root.right = new TreeNode(3);
TreeNode rootleft = root.left;
rootleft.left = new TreeNode(5);
rootleft.right = null;
//rootleft.right = new TreeNode(5);
TreeNode rootright = root.right;
rootright.left = new TreeNode(8);
rootright.right = new TreeNode(7);
TreeNode root1 = new TreeNode(1);
root1.left = new TreeNode(3);
TreeNode rootleft1 = root1.left;
rootleft1.left = new TreeNode(4);
2 3
/ /\
5 7 8
// do level order traversal. If I see empty node, 2^ 0; 2 ^ 1
public static boolean isComplete(TreeNode root) {
ArrayDeque<TreeNode> q = new ArrayDeque<>();
if (root != null) {
boolean noMoreChildren = false; // #1
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
boolean lastInlevelFound = false; // #2
for (int i = 0; i < q.size(); i++) {
TreeNode curr = q.removeFirst();
if (curr.left != null) {
if (lastInlevelFound || noMoreChildren) {
return false;
else {
lastInlevelFound = true; // true
if (curr.right != null) {
if (lastInlevelFound || noMoreChildren) {
return false;
else {
lastInlevelFound = true; // true
if (lastInlevelFound) {
noMoreChildren = true;
return true;
static class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left;
TreeNode right;
TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }
Given a binary tree, determine if it is a complete binary tree.
Definition of a complete binary tree from Wikipedia:
In a complete binary tree every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled, and all nodes in the last level are as far left as possible. It can have between 1 and 2h nodes inclusive at the last level h.
Example 1:
/ \
2 3
/ \ /
4 5 6
Input: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Output: true
Explanation: Every level before the last is full (ie. levels with node-values {1} and {2, 3}), and all nodes in the last level ({4, 5, 6}) are as far left as possible.
Example 2:
/ \
2 3
/\ \
4 5 7
Input: [1,2,3,4,5,null,7]
Output: false
Explanation: The node with value 7 isn't as far left as possible.

end here.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Can Big Tech Curb A Housing Crisis It Helped Cause?

Here is the link.

Cal Newport: "So Good They Can't Ignore You" | Talks at Google

Google talk. Here is the link.

"Follow Your Passion" is Bad Advice. Here is What You Should Do Instead... In this eye-opening account, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice. Not only is the cliche flawed -- preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work -- but it can also be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic job hopping. After making his case against passion, Newport sets out on a quest to discover the reality of how people end up loving what they do. Spending time with organic farmers, venture capitalists, screenwriters, freelance computer programmers, and others who admitted to deriving great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the strategies they used and the pitfalls they avoided in developing their compelling careers. Matching your job to a preexisting passion does not matter, he reveals. Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it. With a title taken from the comedian Steve Martin, who once said his advice for aspiring entertainers was to "be so good they can't ignore you," Cal Newport's clearly written manifesto is mandatory reading for anyone fretting about what to do with their life, or frustrated by their current job situation and eager to find a fresh new way to take control of their livelihood. He provides an evidence-based blueprint for creating work you love. SO GOOD THEY CAN'T IGNORE YOU will change the way we think about our careers, happiness, and the crafting of a remarkable life.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Here is the book.

How to Win at College

Here is the book.

How the Best Young Professors Research (and Why it Matters to You)

Here is the link.

只要3小時,勝過別人1天的工作量 | 我讀《深度工作力》| 心得與書評

Here is the link.

《深度工作力》一書,原文是《Deep Work》,作者是 Cal Newport 教授,他畢業於麻省理工學院,僅僅35歲就已經在創校超過200年的喬治城大學擔任副教授,成就非常的厲害。如此驚人的成就是如何辦到的?他在書中就揭露了如何透過深度工作的能力,讓他達到非凡的成就。重點是,他每天只工作到晚上5點半,產出的成果依舊很好。


說話沒重點?工作沒效率?用這方法就對了!| 搭配《最有生產力的一年》

Here is the link.

今天要來分享一個無論在生活或工作中我都很常用的法則,它既簡單有威力大,可以幫助你有步驟達成目標、規劃好任務,或是更有條理的表達自己的想法,是在你工作忙到不可開交、生活一團亂的時候,拉自己一把,將自己推回原本的軌道。 影片中我也會搭配《最有生產力的一年》來說明為何這法則有效,你該如何運用在自己身上。若要看更多學習成長的方法‣‣

3的法则 — 信息容易表达 — 个人目标管理上 年度核心目标 三件事 = 一年 ,一个月, 每天三十分钟 清空大脑 = 全部写下来 = 减少焦虑 选择三项优先 做完 再做三项 — 每天,每周 (专注目标 3件事)

如何增加自學力。一路上你會遇到4種人 | 直播剪輯 | 艾爾文

Here is the link.

1 開創能力的人 2 學習和追求能力 3 質疑別人的人 4 否定事情的人

告別窮忙!10個累積財富的力量 | 《財富的秘密》閱讀心得

Here is the link.


1.信念的力量 2.慾望的力量 3.目標的力量 4.計畫的力量 5.知識的力量 下集待續 6.堅持的力量 7.預算的力量 8.誠實的力量 9.信心的力量 10寬厚的力量

The more you learn, the more you earn.

其實我熱愛閱讀,習慣已經15年以上了,近幾年來,應該是五年左右開始涉獵投資理財學還有心理學,閱讀變得偏向功利主義了,單純的求知慾變得複雜的實用慾,閱讀從愜意變成效率,心態的轉變讓我有些感慨萬千,畢竟學習心理學也是想克服“憂鬱症”的目的,期望能 勇者無懼 智者不惑 仁者不憂

Thursday, November 28, 2019

為什麼有錢人會這樣做?5個加快財務自由的方法 | 就是艾理財#9

Here is the link.


1記帳。2存錢。3預算。4理債。 5開源


Here is the link about a career book.


Lynn Lin(林沂萱)

‧Diary of a headhunter獵頭的日常:ttps://

從履歷到面試 求職高手默默在用的秘訣 (但願你因工作而閃亮) | 夯翻鼠 看書20

Here is the link.

又到了畢業求職的季節~👩‍🎓 找工作對社會新鮮人可以說是進入社會的第一道考驗🤓 但為什麼有些人的求職之路總是可以無往不利,有些人卻是一路坎坷😩。有獵頭專家面談幾千個人看過幾萬封履歷之後,歸納出高手的秘訣其實就是…「換位思考」 書 名:但願你因工作而閃亮 作 者: 林沂萱 出版社:遠流 出版日期:2018/02/24


5分鐘換個有錢人腦袋-有錢人想的和你不一樣 | 夯翻鼠說書2

Here is the link.

錢錢錢錢錢 每個人的生活都離不開錢 錢不是最重要,但它卻非常重要 有人說,這個世界上80%的財富掌握在20%的人手裡 (我認為應該低於20%) 市面上推出一堆專門研究有錢人的書 有錢人真的那麼神秘嗎? 有錢人致富的秘訣究竟是什麼? 夯翻鼠第二集跟大家推薦的是長賣超過10年的經典書 『有錢人想的和你不一樣』(大塊出版社) 阿鼠提出三個精彩看點、二個副作用 這禮拜一起換個有錢人的腦袋吧~ 「有錢人想的和你不一樣」讀冊生活購書連結:

為什麼有錢人的家裡看不到衛生紙?學習有錢人的習慣 你也能變有錢! 『有錢人家看不到衛生紙,沒錢人在冰箱貼紙』|夯翻鼠看書26

Here is the link.

讓人越來越有錢的富習慣 你有幾個?『習慣致富』|夯翻鼠看書29

Here is the link.

告別窮忙!小資理財幼幼班 股神巴菲特也狂推這招 ft.施昇輝|下班經濟學#36

Here is the link.


2:00 投資跟理財不一樣,2投資工具讓你變窮 4:53 年輕人的理財藍圖 8:09 一生必備的三大資產配置 9:35 大叔教你完買房夢 15:14 投資黃金外幣很難賺錢 17:19 債券基金不比股票好 20:47 從電影學股票投資心態 30:38 0050、0056最近表現 34:01 0050適合長期持有嗎?0056適合賺價差嗎? 40:26 退休三大條件

The hidden costs of early RRSP withdrawals

Here is the link.

3. Permanent loss of contribution room

When you withdraw funds from an RRSP, you permanently lose the contribution room you originally used to make your deposit. While you can continue making your maximum contribution to your RRSP in the future, you can’t re-contribute the amount you withdrew. This reduces the potential value of your RRSP at retirement.

TFSA - how to think about tax issues?

Nov. 28, 2019


I was confused about TFSA about tax issues after I read Canada government website. So I continued to do research, I found a good article to explain tax issue very clearly. 

TFSA - tax issues

Here is the article. 

With a tax-free savings account (TFSA), you can grow your money with various kinds of investments, including bonds, stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds – not just cash. Your investment return could potentially be in the high single- or even the low double-digits, if your investments perform well. Or you could lose money, if they don’t. Just keep an eye on your contribution limit, which currently stands at $5,500 per year (and rises to $6,000 per year in 2019), in addition to whatever you had withdrawn from your TFSA in an earlier year and are now re-contributing. Unlike RRSP contributions, your TFSA contributions aren’t tax deductible. But because you’ve already paid income tax on the money you put in your TFSA, you won’t have to pay tax when you take it out. And any investment income you earn won’t be taxed – not even when you take the money out of your TFSA.

While a TFSA offers tax-free growth, the restrictions on the investments you hold in it might mean it will take a few days to withdraw your money. This could be highly inconvenient if the rain is pouring through the hole in your roof in the meantime, or your car has broken down hundreds of miles from home.
To cover such situations, you could keep some money in a high-interest savings account. While these don’t offer the growth potential of a TFSA because you can’t hold investments in them, they do pay slightly more interest than an ordinary savings account. The interest you get depends on your bank and your balance. Since your money isn’t locked in, it’s much easier to get at when you need it. Unlike a TFSA, there’s no limit to the amount you can put in a high-interest savings account, but you do have to pay income tax on the interest you earn. Note that you can have a registered high-interest savings account itself as a TFSA, in which case TFSA contribution limits and tax treatment apply.
Not sure what’s right for you? An advisor can help you decide which savings option (it could be more than one) can help you grow your money during good times and have it on hand when hard times come along.

Should you put your money in a TFSA or an RRSP?

Here is the article.

How to avoid these 4 common TFSA mistakes

Here is the article.

It’s easy to see why. As the name says, any investment you hold inside your TFSA grows tax-free. Plus, you can withdraw from these accounts whenever you want. You can use your TFSA to help pay for a new homeyour children’s education or even retirement. And you’re not taxed when you take the money out, either.

6 really useful things you can do with your TFSA

Here is the article.

My takeaway is the following:

You can “refill” your TFSA. Unlike RRSPs, RESPs or any other registered accounts, your TFSA contribution limit isn’t a one-time thing. Suppose, for example, you’ve contributed the maximum to your TFSA this year, but then need to withdraw $10,000. (Remembering, of course, that there’s no tax on the withdrawal, whether you’re withdrawing principal, interest or investment growth.) Next year, in addition to the regular annual contribution limit, you’ll be able to re-contribute that $10,000. Just don’t try re-contributing in the same calendar year that you take it out, if you’ve already used up that year’s contribution room.

5 things you may not know about TFSAs

Here is the article.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

124. Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

Here is the link.

C# mock interview practice on Nov 24, 2019 with insights

Nov 25, 2019
It is one of my mock interview algorithms. I solved the algorithm but I also experienced the nervousness since I could not remember if I solved the algorithm before. It is a hard level algorithm, and I like to write down how to approach the algorithm in the contest or mock interview or onsite.
I solved all tree algorithms on Leetcode six months ago. But my generic approach is to solve all easy level algorithms on first, and then move to medium level. So it is important for me to explain how to approach this hard level algorithm since I solved similar easy level tree algorithm called longest univalue path, my discussion post is here. I am still in the accumulation stage to solve as many algorithms as possible. Be greedy, solve easy one, solve one with less time first, solve ones to help me build confidence, increase curiosity, and expand my comfortable zone.
Case study
I like to go over the example and explain to myself how to approach the problem. Let me show some diagram with my thought process in my mock interview.
I like to go over the example, and explain how I ask question what to do based on example 2.
After the work out on example 2, I learned that I need to work on an extra task to calculate the path cross the root node. The whole process from example 1 and example 2 took me around 10 to 15 minutes.
If you cannot follow the process, then I can advice you to review the post I have about longest univalue path. Here is the link.
I spent two months to interview people on using a few binary tree algorithms almost every weekday, I learn and work every day on tree algorithms. Those interviewees are best teachers in the world and they brought all their education and industry experience to demonstrate how good thinkers are, I learn to build up my curiousity and be a real problem solver, open to all ideas as an interviewer and determin to make the idea work, remove bias and avoid memorization of a solution, ask good questions to follow the idea and understand the question.
public class Solution {
    public int MaxPathSum(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null)
                return 0;
            var maxPathSum = Int32.MinValue;
            postorderTraversal(root, ref maxPathSum);

            return maxPathSum; 

        /// <summary>
        /// return max value of path from root node to one of node downward to leaf node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int postorderTraversal(TreeNode root, ref int maxPathSum)
            if (root == null)
                return 0;

            var maxLeft = postorderTraversal(root.left, ref maxPathSum);
            var maxRight = postorderTraversal(root.right, ref maxPathSum);

            var sumLeft  = Math.Max(0,maxLeft);
            var sumRight = Math.Max(0, maxRight);

            var currentMax = root.val + Math.Max(sumLeft, sumRight);
            var currentPath = root.val + sumLeft + sumRight; 
            maxPathSum = Math.Max(maxPathSum, currentPath);
            return currentMax;

Celebs Who Survived Heart Attacks: Bob Harper, Alex Trebek, Rosie O’Donnell and More

Here is the article I like to read.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Become Rich and Wealthy Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

Nov. 25, 2019


I like to spend 5 hours to listen the audio book.

Here is the link.

Book reading: How to Become Rich and Wealthy Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

Nov. 25, 2019


I like to take time to read 80 page book. The title is How to Become Rich and Wealthy Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker


Here is the link.

1. Rich people believe "I create my life".
Poor people believe "Life happens to me".

Favorite activities:
blaming, justifying, complaining

2. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

3. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

4. Rich people chose to get paid based on results. Poor people chose to get paid based on time.
- businesses
- commissions
- stock options
- profit sharing

5. Rich people think both. Poor people think either/ or.

How can I have both?

Book review: secret of millionaire mind

Here is the link I like to look up.

Here is the one with most view.

1- Rich people thing big. Poor people think small. 2- Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles. 3- Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent successful people. 4- Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. 5- Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time. 6- Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well. 7- Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money. 8- Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

楊應超的華爾街投資術 秘訣一定要看|20191111雲端最有錢ep64|美股 ETF|楊應超

Here is the link.

●訪談主題:楊應超的華爾街投資術 秘訣一定要看 ●主持人:邱沁宜 ●來賓:天王外資分析師 楊應超 ●訪談內容 Q:天王級首席分析師 楊應超縱橫華爾街15年 Q:首度分享高盛.花旗.巴克萊銀行 投資祕訣 Q:跟著首席分析師 學華爾街投資技巧.工作效率

花10分鐘讓退休金翻一倍 連定存族也能年賺6%? ft.闕又上、東森主播張佳如|下班經濟學#60

Here is the link.


01:15 股市屢創新高卻好景不常?專家破解崩盤迷思! 04:27 千萬別忽視資產配置!它才是讓你致富的關鍵! 05:27 千萬別忽視資產配置!它才是讓你致富的關鍵! 06:58 渴望仰賴技術分析賺大錢?他卻爆出殘酷現實! 09:33 退休金僅別人的一半?專家點出兩大問題所在! 12:16 極致保守投資組合!獻給零基礎又想賺錢的你! 18:51 想安度股災靠股債混搭?股債共舞簡單又有力! 20:08 股債雙殺大家人心惶惶!專家卻表示:多慮了? 22:21 傻瓜投資也能殺出血路?無論漲跌都能翻倍賺? 27:02 超實用紅綠燈投資法!教你看燈號賺ETF價差!

The Essential Retirement Guide: A Contrarian’s Perspective

Frederick Vettese


佛瑞德列克?維特斯(Frederick Vettese)
莫努謝普爾公司(Morneau Shepell)首席精算師,該公司是大型人力資源諮詢和科技公司,也是北美5大確定給付制年金險的保險商之一。佛瑞德列克.維特斯一直從事退休諮詢與職場年金計畫的精算服務,他經常出席公開活動,在專業會議演說,並在全國性報紙和其他媒體撰寫退休議題的文章。他在加拿大多倫多出生及長大,目前仍與妻子蜜雪兒(Michelle)居住在當地。

Book notes: 財務自由的人生

Here is the article.


簡單的資產配置 股債比 100-年齡
ETF指數為主 買基金比挑個股安全省事:連巴菲特都幫老婆買 ETF,費用低又不用煩惱
永不滿足,別懼失敗:Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Book review: 財務自由的人生

Here is the article.


本書是楊應超分享他退休三年來的研究成果,他用分析師的精神,研究美國現在很流行的FIRE(Financial Independence Retire Early),歸納出一套簡單而穩健的高效理財法,幫助大家早日達到財務自由、提早退休。
他在書中分享自己15年來在高盛、花旗、巴克萊等投資銀行界,以及8年在產業實戰所學到的理財技巧和工作效率,即使當「打工皇帝」,也有機會在適切的投資風險下,盡早存到退休需要的一桶金(FU Money),不為五斗米折腰,每天為自己而活,做喜歡的事。雖然存錢是要多賺和少花,但他更希望教你如何多賺錢,不用省過頭,過著富裕的優質生活。

1967 年生,美國普渡大學電機工程學士(優等)及碩士、哥倫比亞大學電機工程博士班、芝加哥大學工商管理碩士,主修財務、會計及市場營銷。投身證券投資業之前,曾任職於科爾尼(A.T. Kearney)、埃森哲(Accenture)、電資系統(EDS)、艾默生電氣(Emerson Electric)、IBM 及AT&T 等公司,擔任過管理顧問、市場銷售及電機工程師業務等相關職務,擁有8年的產業實務經驗。1999年到2004年,以5年時間從一個外資投行菜鳥分析師迅速晉升為副總裁、董事、董事總經理,最後在花旗環球擔任董事總經理及亞太區投資研究部高科技部門主管和首席分析師。在加入花旗之前,為瑞士信貸亞太區科技硬體研究部董事及首席分析師,亦曾任職於美商高盛及法國巴黎銀行。
2008年達到財務自由之後,首次從投資銀行退休,並至香港主板上市公司大洋集團及陸商聯創集團擔任財務長,並負責美國IPO上市。其後,就如同麥可・喬丹(Michael Jordan)在NBA生涯最高峰榮退兩年後再復出一般,於2010年再次重返投資銀行,在野村證券和巴克萊銀行擔任董事總經理及亞太區下游硬體科技首席分析師,靠著實力,旋即再被專業投資者票選為亞洲科技硬體分析師第一名,但在2016年巴克萊銀行宣布退出亞洲業務時,決定第二次從投資銀行退休,過著「應為當為,超然自得」的生活,擁有外資投行證券投資研究分析資歷15年,現為異康集團暨青興資本首席資深顧問。