Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mark Zuckerberg - work remotely

May 21, 2020


It is one hour talk. I started from 11:24 AM, and then I like to take some notes, and think about working on my English, learn from Mark how to approach this topic in a casual way, without powerpoint slides etc.

Work remotely

Here is the video link.

Facts to review:

90% work remotely right now in May 2020


Next five to 10 year, my guess, what percentage to work from home?

As a founder, culture is built carefully over the time. Day by day, over year, decades. Long term approach.

Coronavirus concern:

Remote work is good approach because of coronavirus

Optimistic about working remotely
Why not doing this? It is because ...
Innovation, primary goal of this is to do work better; impact of people around you; thoughtful at all
Give us access to new pool out there

Recruit more broadly - start to open more new talents - help us retain important top talents
No office/ Do not support the work
As valuable ......

New talent - specially new opportunity - diversity - hiring in a small big cities - cut out a lot of people - different background - potentially valuable - spread opportunity

Do not spread globally too fast - move to a small number of big cities - city is so crowd - people are struggle, city not be able to scale - enable more worker

Social opportunity - less commute, less travel - some of measures - stick to long term - benefits for every one to sit in traffic - long term issues -

Our employees - video chat - pollute environment concern
Facebook specific - remote work - advance our technology we work on - Feel connection

Private social platform we work on - video chat, message room

Feeling presence - more at work as well

Internally - five million paid - workgroup six months - 20 million - just 6 months
workplace video chat - business
growing business demand - collaboration
How organization operate?

Empathy to customers using the product

What we learn so far?
By statistics - Remote work so far
High productivity - challenging, kids from school, single and stay at home alone, alleviate, fall off cliff, individual productivity, low feeling ..., build culture, white boarding, free phone conversation, important part of company culture

Drafting apart - less commute - split time, work or personal life, balance, work and life balance is hard, regular, blur together, draw a line between work and family life

video chat - side conversations - on the internet - benefit of that
hard to be on board - fully measure the facts on that
See other people in person

Overall survey result -
20% - full time remote work after this coronavirus
20% - some of interested
50% - get back to office as soon as possible, long term
multiple choices - 60% ask for full time remote/ office, mixed
remote work - visit office for meeting, flexible - schedule for office or at home

Flexibility - move back - office looks like - capacity to serve people full time
Allocate desks not used all the time

preferences heard:
More tenure people - like better
New graduate - office better
By gender - no preference

Work full time - 45% move to another place
30% might move to another place - stay in USA, 38% prefer to another big city, small city like that

How managers have choices to support remote team?
30% not want to

Challenge questions we learn

Creativity and culture - transitional, not good for people to bond, hangout
Big opportunity to build new tools
Plan to work on hackerthon

Covid-19 period - offsite - get-together
Once a month, day or two build culture or build bonds

Remote work - hybrid remote work
Right now entirely remote work - equal opportunity for people working remotely

Individual track - IC - ambitious people
manager track -

Career track - equal opportunity for remote work

Missing contact

New norms for video track

More people back to office - product site - how we use the tools?

Open questions - how office looks like?
commit to keep the office and make it great too

Commit to neighbors, thoughtful - remote hiring
Big opportunities
Diverse - talent company

View remote workers - more underrepresented folks - more hard - disparity - thoughtful - diversification

Big issue - train new graduate - early in the career - how to work in the company after academic settings

Research - most remote  - do not hire new college graduates - start to train - how they progress career?

Concern in some place - ambitious -

Remote hubs 


Second level later

Innovation - how to release the innovation?
Operation culture
Career advancement
Be up-front - remote work internally

Support every one you work with - positive, whole company
Reality - not working remotely
Productivity -
Covid is still prevalent

Health condition - some of them are vulnerable

Five or above - level - recent cycle (above average) - approval of group leader
Retention benefits - leave company because of moving to places - ...

Performance rating is not good yet - more challenging environment - experience threshold

thousands intern joining us - next few weeks - philosophy - special task - learn a lot about remote work

Business leader/ ...

Late June or so - Full list of team - all remote / support remote

Basic principles - hardwork, mental health, data center technician
Be near the people you serve - part of sales, policies and ...

Salary - adjusted - grace period - accounting - tax properly - January 1, 2021

Basic precautions - VPN - severe ramfication - about law


office 50% / home 50%

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