Sunday, July 26, 2020

CAP theorem - P is tough to remember - Partition tolerance

July 26, 2020

Here is the link. 

CAP theorem

The CAP theorem (coined by Eric Brewer) talks about the trade-off between consistency and availability you have to make in your distributed system. This video describes what it is, and how it impacts your system design.

An example - a bank, one customer, two ATM, network between two ATMS

One customer - two ATMs

What if something breaks?

consistent view of balance

ATM broken or network problem

partition - suffer partition

Consistent design

Do my best - partition heals - More available

Both consistence - available design

Real world - degree of consistency - degree of available

Partially available design
. Deposit: yes
Withdrawls: small and rate limited
Balance info: tentative

The CAP theorem

Formalize the trade-off between consistency and availability in the presence of partitions.

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