Friday, July 24, 2020

INTC stock: Learn more about business

July 24, 2020


It is tough for me to catch up more about Intel business. So I went to Yaoo->Finance->Conversation underneath stock page.

INTC stock

I like to review intel stock and learn more about the following content:

Here is the page.

Intel expecting to make over $4 per share for 2020, what is the issue here? A delay while no one can afford chips and upgrades currently is not all that bad of a deal. Balance sheet looks like INTC has double the assets to liabilities by about 70 billion.

Intel also has made over $20 earnings over last 10 years than what it is currently trading which should all be in the bank. There are double the assets to liabilities. We are talking about 70 billion vs AMD 3 billion on the balance sheets.

AMD market cap is close to 80B
INTC market cap is close to 200B

Intel has AMD's market cap in asset value.
Is my analysis correct?

Intel expecting again $4.50 about this year as it raised guidance a little, it just wont have the latest chips ready till next year. I think next year is a better time to release the chips.

AMD $3B of assets which will grow some however trading 20x assets minus liabilities.

INTC is trading about 3x Assets to liabilities.

No brainer this is getting given away at todays price. IMO today is a buy around $50 easy. Intel researches, develops and sells other technologies other than CPU's.

The above is just an investor's analysis. 

My favorite comments:

Lost 40 BILLION in valuation while delivering great earnings. Zero patience in this market due to momentum based trading algos.

Actionable Items

July 29, 2020

I did research on Lisa su and also AMD stock early in July, my hidden jealous was not so good and it affected my decision making. Now my position of Intel stock has 7% loss. I should purchase half of AMD to support Lisa Su and AMD instead. 

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