Thursday, August 6, 2020

Stock research: Three steps to make $3000 dollars profit in three business day

August 6, 2020


It takes a lot of time and efforts for me to push myself to learn how to invest on stock market. To make it simple, I try to write down as a beginner, how to take a few months, learn and read and then find the opportunity. 

Three steps

I like to write down three steps:
1. First step, I chased high price, and then invested over 13000 dollars on June 5, 2020. Highest price, I lost $3000 dollars. I understood that I did not know the market. I just came out $20,000 dollars loss as a passive investor. I did not really learn how to purchase stocks. 

2. Second step, I started an investment wechat group; over months, I learned to get up early, read articles, and understand the business, quarterly reports, try to learn from them good habits to study the market.

3. Make mistakes, buy high and sell low. I understood that my emotion is getting on the way. I have to take some risk, bet on US stock market, not big crash immediately. Just a normal swing. 

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