Monday, June 20, 2022

Leetcode discuss: Negative | down votes | Three pages

June 20, 2022

I need to think about how to make improvements on my writing. Here are three pages of my Leetcode discuss posts with down votes. 

Follow up 

July 5, 2022

  1. I like to rewrite Maximum Subarray with downvotes 10. I will add all solutions in the discuss post, and make the post valuable for myself to review. Here is the link. 
  2. I also like to rewrite Reverse integer discuss post with downvotes 5. I will review the discuss post and make it valuable for myself to review. Here is the link. 
  3. I will work on discuss post: Search in Rotated sorted array with negative 3. I will think about how to make improvements. Here is the link. 
  4. Work on Median of two sorted arrays - in short future. Here is the link.
July 11, 2022
Leetcode 128Longest Consecutive Sequence
Here is the link. 

July 29, 2022
Here are steps to work on discuss posts with downvotes:

  1. Review the discuss post, and work on writing skills, rewrite and also practice one more time, and learn some good ideas from others, and then delete the downvoted posts, and write a new one. 
  2. Keep watching the new post for one month, and then continue to make improvments if needed. 
  3. Work hard and try to write a simple discuss post. 

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