Friday, June 10, 2022

Leetcode: Important and Useful links from all over the LeetCode

 Here is the link. 

Most of the time I want to come back to a particular post on LeetCode and so I have to bookmark different posts a lot of times. This has led to an increase in the number of my bookmarks. Therefore, I have been trying to compile a list of all LeetCode's important and useful links. Here is the list I have made till now. Posting it here so as to help the LC community as well. Do let me know the useful and important articles that I have missed. Will add them to this list. This way we all won't have to bookmark many posts on LeetCode and instead just bookmark this post alone. I am grouping links based on topics for better usability of this post.

NOTE: [LIST] is a set of questions that you can practice for that topic.

Formatting your posts in LeetCode :

  1. Format Your Posts with Markdown

Dynamic Programming :

  1. DP for Beginners [Problems | Patterns | Sample Solutions] by @wh0ami
  2. DP Patterns by @aatalyk
  3. Knapsack problems by @old_monk
  4. How to solve DP - String? Template and 4 Steps to be followed by @igooglethings
  5. Dynamic Programming Questions thread by @karansingh1559
  6. DP Classification helpful notes by @adityakrverma
  7. How to approach DP problems by @heroes3001
  8. Iterative DP for subset sum problems by @yuxiangmusic
  9. DP problems summary (problem categorization) by @richenyunqi
  10. Categorization of Leetcode DP problems by @chuka231
  11. Must do Dynamic Programming Category wise by @mahesh_nagarwal
  12. Dynamic programming is simple by @omgitspavel
  13. Dynamic Programming on subsets with examples by @DBabichev
  14. DP is easy (Thinking process) by @teampark

Backtracking :

  1. Backtracking Summary and general template to solve many problems by @dichen001
  2. A general approach to backtracking problems in C++ by @nitinpaldev
  3. A general approach to backtracking problems in Java by @issac3

General Strategies and advice :

  1. Comprehensive Data Structure and Algorithm Study Guide by @xrssa
  2. Interview prep tips by @topcat
  3. How to answer some beahvioural questions by Anonymous user
  4. Amazon leadership principles guide by Anonymous user
  5. The Only Lists You Need For Your Interview Preparation by @sachin_ak

System Design

  1. System Design template by @topcat
  2. Design Facebook by @a_ranjan_s
  3. Design URL Shortening service like TinyURL by @shashibk11
  4. Design video sharing platform like Youtube by @Shuatify
  5. System Design: Designing a distributed Job Scheduler | Many interesting concepts to learn (Leetcode's pick) by @sjkm
  6. Whatsapp system design by @khushi511
  7. System Design: Introduction to Distributed Systems | Designing a highly available system
    (Leetcode's pick)
     by @Vruttant1403
  8. System Design questions asked in FAANG
  9. System design multiple resources by Pooja Biswas by @hopeless
  10. Helpful list of leetcode posts on System design at FAANG by @Anonymous User

How to use LeetCode :

  1. A must-read guide for new LeetCode users by @LeetCode
  2. How to use Leetcode efficiently and effectively by beginners by @megaspazz
  3. How to effectively use LeetCode to prepare for interviews!! by @Pooja0406
  4. Interview preparation study plan using leetcode (Leetcode's pick) by @amit_gupta10

Important list of questions :

  1. List of questions sorted by common patterns by @Maverick2594
  2. Topic wise problems for beginners by @yashrsharma44
  3. Facebook interview question list by @suresh_reddy

Graphs and Trees :

  1. Graph for beginners by @wh0ami
  2. DFS for beginners by @StefanPochmann
  3. Recursive approach to segment trees and range sum queries and lazy propagation
  4. Article on Trie. General Template and List of problems by @igooglethings
  5. Iterative and recursive versions of common tree problems by @nareshyoutube
  6. Graph Algorithms One Place | Dijkstra | Bellman Ford | Floyd Warshall | Prims | Kruskals | DSU by @nareshyoutube
  7. Disjoint Set Union (DSU)/Union-Find - A Complete Guide @Invulnerable
  8. Introduction to Trie by @since2020
  9. A noob's guide to Dijkstra's Algorithm (Leetcode's pick) by @bliss14b
  10. Tree questions patterns by @Manisha4018
  11. Heap questions patterns by @rnyati10
  12. Graph All in one by @thanoschild

Stacks and Queues :

  1. Monotonic Queue Summary by @luxy622
  2. Applications of Monotonous Increasing stack by @wxd_sjtu

Sliding Window :

  1. Sliding window for beginners by @wh0ami
  2. Sliding Window algorithm template to solve all the Leetcode substring search problem by @chaoyanghe
  3. Sliding window substring problems template by @zjh08177

Binary Search :

  1. Binary Search for Beginners by @wh0ami
  2. [Python] Powerful Ultimate Binary Search Template. Solved many problems by @zhjiun_liao
  3. Binary Search 101 by @AminiCK
  4. Master binary search from beginner to pro by Anonymous User

Approaches to deal with problems which follow some pattern :

  1. Most consistent ways of dealing with the series of stock problems by @fun4LeetCode
  2. Sum Megapost (How to solve 2 sum, 3 sum and 4 sum) by @peyman_np
  3. How to solve linked list problems in C++ by @LHearen
  4. Template for all combination problem set by @fight.for.dream
  5. Summary of solutions for problems "reducible" to LeetCode 378 (Kth smallest element in a sorted matrix) by @fun4LeetCode
  6. Internal implementations of C++ STL containers and their associated time complexities by @Manisha4018
  7. Problems related to randomization by @Manisha4018
  8. How to write thread safe code
  9. General principles behind problems similar to Reverse pairs by @fun4Leetcode
  10. One approach to solve problems which need you to find subarrays with certain conditions by @Lisanaaa

Bit manipulation :

  1. Using bit manipulation to solve problems easily and efficiently by @LHearen
  2. All about Bitwise Operations Beginner Intermediate by @Yashjain
  3. Bits hacks you cant ignore by @amit_gupta10

Greedy :

  1. Greedy for beginners by @wh0ami
  2. ABCs of Greedy by Sapphire_Skies

String :

  1. String questions categorized by patterns by @Manisha4018

Two pointers :

  1. General summary of what kind of problem can/ cannot solved by Two Pointers by @a2232189

Happy LeetCoding!

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