Sunday, December 10, 2017

Mother Tesesa

Dec. 10, 2017


Mother Teresa is the favorite character I know as a Christian. And I use her story to help myself to communicate with my sister back in China as well. Since we dispute on the immigration issue, do I make right choice to sponsor my nephew to immigrate to Canada? She insists that China is best place to develop a career and life, now it is not 20 or 30 years ago, young people choose to stay in China instead of immigration to United States or Canada. I think that Canada has best education system in the world, and also the young people have their own rights to make their own decisions.

I share my argument with my sister, life is not about money, how many income to have, how good the career you have. My role model is Mother Teresa, I do not want to compare myself to my sister or other classmates.

I always feel good to stay humble and make a living, struggling is good, learning is fun and life is also great without good wealth or health. My sister has never heard about Teresa before. So I also need to study more about mother Teresa, and hopefully I can be more educated and be confident to be myself.

Video talk 

Here is 19 minutes talk given by Mother Teresa, Acceptance Speech by Mother Teresa Media Player at Nobel prize org. I remembered that in Florida one time my friend in church shared me her story, talking about people can not afford a pair of shoes.

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