Thursday, December 21, 2017

Pull all gists from github

Dec. 21, 2017


As an owner of coding blog, I like to download all 1000 gists on github to the local computer. What I do is to google and find ideas to solve the problem. Once I have 5 - 10 minutes, I will search google and find some ideas to work on this small project. I found some python code to download the gists from github before, but today I like to give it a try.

Some progress

Dec. 21, 2017

As a github user, I also like to learn how to use github day by day. I do not want to do labor work, download one by one, do it 1000 times. Today I came cross the blog related to "pull all gists from github", here is the article link.

I read the python code, and then ask myself how to run bash script on windows. I search google and then I found that I need to install cygwin. And then I installed cygwin first, and then chose to install curl and then python3. I ran the code and I got some downloads.

Unfortunately, the download stopped after only 30 gists are downloaded.

Github API

Plan to study github api, and then I can solve more problems in the future.

Write down the date if I study API more than 30 minutes.

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