Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Leetcode 20: Valid Parentheses (II)

Dec. 19, 2017


It is very hard challenge to plan what to study and what to review in this holiday season. Specially I will have a holiday break in the last week of December.

On Dec. 18, 2017, I practiced the mock interview, and then the peer worked on the valid bracket algorithm. The peer is a young undergraduate student who just started his computer science degree in university of Washington, top ranking computer science. The peer just started this year.

What advice can I give to the peer? I was asked by the peer.

I knew that it takes some time to develop the mock interview skill. But it is good to take the hint, and also follow the peer's idea. I was stubborn before on one mock interview when I met a computer science undergraduate from UCLA, and I learned the lesson on this algorithm called the largest smaller key in BST. I explained the idea to follow the hint to the peer.

Addition to mock interview 

It is a good idea to extend the algorithm for the mock interview algorithm. For bracket match algorithm, there are a few algorithms from Leetcode. I reviewed one of them called Leetcode 20: Valid Parentheses, and then I like to write down my review one by one.

Here is the blog I chose to study in January 2016, I also created a gist for the blog. The blog author wrote 170 blogs in Chinese, and he wrote very well. And also I found out that the blog Ethan Li 的技术专栏was written in 2015, now the peer works for snapchat, a facebook company.

I did great job for myself today, find 170 blogs to read related to algorithm, analysis and very nice readable code. It is hard for me to keep learning new algorithm while taking mock interview every week day 10:00 PM. It is better for me to read a lot of coding blogs, and reduce time on wechat related to social stuff.

I will choose five algorithm written by the engineer, and then write a blog for each algorithm.

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