Friday, January 31, 2020

50 Psychological Hacks for Better Mental Health

Here is the link .

  • Recognize all the times you got it right.
  • Know that failures contain the recipes for success — Learn from your mistakes, gather your ingredients, do your thing.
  • Protect your emotional well-being day with the Big Three: Quality sleep, lots of water, and slow, deep-breathing.
  • Consider your options when catastrophic thinking threatens to derail your mood.
  • Smile more. 
  • Make exercise fun. 
  • Talk less. You don’t need to explain yourself as much as you think you do.
  • Stay in touch with family and friends and keep them in the loop of your life events.
  • Check your food and mood connection. 
  • Visit your local animal shelter.
  • Share your talents.
  • Get rid of unwanted clothes, kitchen gadgets, furniture and any other unnecessary items taking up precious physical and mental real estate.
  • Talk to the homeless man or woman at the park. 
  • Pay attention to what you pay attention to. Common unhealthy tendencies include living in the past (leads to depression) and fearing the future (contributes to anxiety). Cherish this moment — it’s the only one you’ve got.
  • Hug your family, friends and pets more. Don’t forget yourself — you need hugs, too.
  • Spend a few extra minutes in bed each morning to focus on the day ahead and all the opportunities that await.

Actionable Items

I like to find top 3 my favorite hacks for better mental health.

How to Invest: Becoming a Millionaire | Phil Town

Here is the link.

If you look at any of the wealthiest people in America, they have probably gone through these 8 steps. If followed correctly, these steps will put you on the path to more wealth than you can ever imagine.

Eight Steps: 1, Find a business; Focus on industry that you already have capability to understand 2, Find the value of that business; (meaning, moat, management) 3, Wait the business to be on sale; 4, But when it's on sale (buy a lot, not tiny); Buy when people are on fear 5, Behave like the owner of the business; Care about the values of the business; Don't own too many business 6, Stockpling; Core numbers: Earnings growth, sales growth, book value growth, cash flow growth, return on investment capital; Check Debt 7, Sell when fundamental changes also when price goes to high 8, Repeat 1~7.

11:13/ 13:46

Big 5 numbers

  • Earnings growth
  • Sales growth
  • Book value growth
  • Cash flow growth
  • Return on investment capital

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Kobe Bryant started using helicopters as a player as a way to maintain his body and spend more time with his family

Here is the article.

Actionable Items

It takes too much risk and one accident will cause tragedy. So it does not worth risking life to save one hour compared to road traffic.

First 50 hours learning Rest API

Jan. 30, 2020


It is the first time I spent over 50 hours to work on Rest API since I had a full time job starting from June 2010. I like to write down some notes about this experience, and I like to share my experience.

First 50 hours

It is not easy for me to find those 50 hours to work on learning. I had some issues in terms of learning the technology, and I decided to take some courses from Linkedin learning, and then read some articles to get more detail as well.

My ideal learning is to watch one hour video, a linkedin learning course related to web API, and then find some keywords, and then find some good articles to read.

If I do this combo once every day, then I can build up my interest; also I am always learning and happy.

For example, I spend one hour first to watch a course on Linkedin learning, Designing RESTful APIs, and then read the article.

I also read 100 pages of Restful web service by Leonard Richardson Chapter 1 to 5, and a tutorial web page about restful api.

Actionable Items

My research ability was not so good. It took me near 10 years for me to figure out that I should choose correct technology.

Why Linkedin learning courses are so good?

Jan. 30, 2020


I took time to read Restful web service 5 hours, and then compare to less than 5 hours learning from Linkedin learning courses related to Restful web service. I like to write a short research why Linkedin learning courses are so good in terms of quality of content and also teaching styles.

Why Linkedin courses are so good

I like the presentation of the instructor, and also I am surprised that the content are much better compared to or other online learning course. 

I am working Restful web service, system design. So I also am surprised that there is really a good industrial expert who shares the experience as well. 

More detail about quality of lectures:

1. Perfect English with transcript, I also like to learn how to speak like that. I am working on it using those lecture transcript.
2. Understand what is most important to teach, those quizes are well-prepared, a few times I fail and then can go back to video to review the content.
3. The speed of teaching is quick enough and I could not catch so many contents by reading a book.

For example, I spent time to read REST PH.D. dissertation a few hours but I could not really understand; so I spent one hour to learn REST six constraints from the  lecture, and then google for more detail to find an article, I understand better and also take a break; I think that is not so good to wear headset over two hours.

4. The lecturer is very good to master the content, but also master the art to share the content in subtle way, I feel so comfortable to continue to learn.

One of lecturers is also very good writer, here is the article I like to read.

"What followed was three months of intensive research on how JavaScript is taught and how to do it better. It was the most complex and intense course I had done to date, and we had an absolute blast putting it together. On my plan for 2020 is a complete reworking of the course to bring it up to current standards, and I am very excited."

Case study: As an investor, I will not time the market in 2020

Jan. 30, 2020


It is hard for me not to worry about bear market, and I like to continue to invest into stock market in 2020. I like to take calculated risk to invest 60% on equity fund, fight against inflation risk, and then also work on a few more aggressive ETFS.

Case study

Two more ETFs I like to look into are QQQ - Nasdaq 100 index, ZQQ.TO, FHQ.TO.

Why the 5 People Around You Are Crucial to Your Success

Here is the article.

Renowned businessman Jim Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.” But it’s common for entrepreneurs to underestimate the importance of the company they keep. Bottom line: The people around you matter.
You need people -- whether it’s co-founders, mentors, family or friends -- who will challenge you and make you better, thereby raising your average or helping you maintain a high one. Many entrepreneurs strive to be the smartest person in the room on every issue. But if you're always the smartest person, you're hurting yourself. You want to surround yourself with people who can run circles around you in as many areas as possible, people who are exponentially better in a variety of ways.
Here’s the really hard part: Giving a silent critique of the people you keep around you may sound judgmental and downright ruthless, but understanding their influence on your performance is critical to your success. As an entrepreneur, you have too much at stake to let this go unaddressed. If someone is bringing down your average, you have to reduce his or her involvement in your life. Not doing so may hinder your energy, vision and ultimate success.

You Are The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With

Here is the link.

You Are The Sum Of The 5 People Closest To You, Make It Count

Here is the link.

What the middle class doesn't understand about rich people

Here is the article.

Here's How Rich People Choose Their Friends

Here is the link.

10 Things Wealthy People Do to Keep Getting Richer

Here is the article.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Will the Market Crash in 2020? | Phil Town

Here is the link.

Software Architecture Foundations

Considering a CMS for Web Design

Introduction to Web Design and Development

Python Essential Training

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate: 2 Storage Design

CSS: Design Systems and Architectures

Software Design: Modeling with UML

Software Architecture: Domain-Driven Design

Developing Distributed Applications with C# and ZeroMQ

Linkedin learning: Learning Redis

Linkedin learning: Learning NoSQL databases

Linkedin learning: Databases for Node.js Developers

Linkedin learning: React: Working with APIs

Linkedin learning: Building and securing RESTful APIs in ASP.NET Core

Linedin learning: Node.js: Securing RESTful APIs

Linkedin learning: Programming foundations: API and web services

Linkedin learning: Introduction to Web APIs

Linkedin learning: Building RESTful web APIs with Django

Linkedin Learning: Learning REST APIs

Actionable Items:

Jan. 30, 2020
I also take some time to read the article by looking up "Restful API six constraints". Here is the article.

  • REST-REpresentational State Transfer
  • Resource-based
  • Representation
  • Six Constraints
    • Client-Server
    • Stateless
    • Cacheable
    • Uniform Interface
    • Layered System
    • Code-On-Demand

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Designing RESTful APIs By Keith Casey

Jan. 28, 2020


I just could not believe how good the course is. I spent more than three hours to read Restful web service book, but I learn much better to watch this 90 minutes course on Linkedin Learning.

Designing RESTful APIs

One of ideas is to watch a few videos courses on Linkedin first, and then I will go back to continue to read the book, ensure that I can understand the book word by word.

Actionable Items

Jan. 29, 2020

It is so important for me to make things work, but I also need to learn how to do it best way. I start to learn how to write restful web API.

I have to keep my standard high, otherwise I will repeat the same error, survivor mindset, finance illiterate costed me from 2010 to 2019 over 10 years to leave 401 K and IRA in money market fund.

I like to figure out how to take some risk and advance myself. 10 minutes study

Top 100 employer in Canada

Teck Resources Limited known as Teck Cominco until late 2008, is a diversified natural resources company headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia engaged in mining and mineral development, including steelmaking coal, copper, zinc and energy.

2009 - 2019 Semiconduct section return

1.1. 2020半导体行业预计温和复苏,乐观前景驱动当前股价上涨

过去十年,以费城半导体成分股为代表的半导体标的涨幅高居榜首,为美股牛市王冠上的明珠。09年至今,费城半导体指数涨幅高达851%,为标普500 376%涨幅的2倍以上,其代表英伟达、Broadcom、AMD涨幅分别高达30倍、23倍、20倍。半导体行业整体收入也自09年低点2260亿美元翻倍至2018年4690亿美元。半导体行业超额收益源自并购重组带来的技术整合和规模效应,历史TOP3并购为Avago以370亿美元收购Broadcom、软银以320亿美元收购ARM及西部数据以190亿美元收购SanDisk,高通曾出价440亿美元收购NXP,但未获相关部门批准。尽管2019年半导体行业受诸多负面因素影响出现下滑,例如DRAM需求不振价格下跌,NAND等还受中美贸易摩擦冲击,但19年费城半导体指数逆势取得61%涨幅,反映市场对5G及AI时代半导体应用的乐观预期。展望2020,随着台积电5nm投产,5G手机更新换代,DRAM及NAND价格企稳回升,云计算资本开支回暖(根据Dell’Oro Group预测,2020年前十大云服务商将新建40处数据中心,推动资本开支双位数增长),我们预计2020年半导体行业规模有望扭转2019年颓势,重回增长。半导体作为美股优势产业,在乐观预期下向上动能尚未衰竭,但考虑部分标的2019年涨幅较大,行业估值位于历史高位,预计2020年半导体股价整体或呈现温和上涨趋势。

I like to read my way. 


Question: What is the index called 费城半导体成分股为代表的半导体标, PHLX Semiconductor Sector

09年至今,费城半导体指数涨幅高达851%,为标普500 376%涨幅的2倍以上,其代表英伟达、Broadcom、AMD涨幅分别高达30倍、23倍、20倍。

PHLX  851%
Nvida        30 times
Broadcom 23 times
AMD        20 times




展望2020,随着台积电5nm投产,5G手机更新换代,DRAM及NAND价格企稳回升,云计算资本开支回暖(根据Dell’Oro Group预测,2020年前十大云服务商将新建40处数据中心,推动资本开支双位数增长),我们预计2020年半导体行业规模有望扭转2019年颓势,重回增长。


2009 - 2019 section return in S & P 500 Index

Jan. 28, 2020


It is so interesting to learn the fact that section return in S & P 500 Index last 10 years.

Section return 

Here is the article.

Top 10 companies 2009 - 2019

Here is the article.

过年十年,以Facebook、亚马逊、奈飞、谷歌、微软及苹果为代表的信息技术公司涨幅均接近10倍或以上,其中奈飞、亚马逊及苹果涨幅高达60倍、28倍及26倍,信息技术板块涨幅也高达700%。科技巨头在互联网时代展现了极强竞争力,苹果、微软、谷歌利用强大的技术能力搭建互联网底层设施,例如iPhone/iOS、Google Search/Android及Windows/Office,三者已成为不可或缺的互联网底层平台,而亚马逊、Facebook及奈飞则在应用层面利用先发优势和规模效应收割全球流量,并通过持续的投资并购加深壁垒。另一方面,大额回购也是科技巨头持续跑赢指数的关键所在。受减税政策影响,2018年美股回购金额高达8000亿美元,创历史新高,2019年全年预计仍保持在7000亿美元。科技巨头回购数额尤为巨大,3Q19科技公司占据回购金额TOP10中的5席。以苹果为例,2018年苹果宣布千亿美元回购计划,自此苹果屡次取得美股季度回购金额第一,占据历史季度回购金额TOP15中的10席。除苹果外,微软、谷歌、Facebook均授权并已执行数百亿美元的回购计划,支撑并推动公司股价上涨。展望2020,随着减税影响褪去,科技股回购预计仍将保持高位,但边际动能有所衰竭,或难以再创18年新高。

Top 10 companies

I like to read more carefully.


Last 10 years, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Microsoft and Apple's average have close to 10 times more. 

60 times - Netflix
28 times - Amazon
26 times - Apple
10 times - Microsoft

700% information sector 

科技巨头在互联网时代展现了极强竞争力,苹果、微软、谷歌利用强大的技术能力搭建互联网底层设施,例如iPhone/iOS、Google Search/Android及Windows/Office,三者已成为不可或缺的互联网底层平台,而亚马逊、Facebook及奈飞则在应用层面利用先发优势和规模效应收割全球流量,并通过持续的投资并购加深壁垒。



2018 - 800 billion 
2019 - 700 billion



My research on recruiting process 2020

January 28, 2020


It is my job to find new area to work on in 2020. To reduce risk, I like to diversify my interest on various topics. I like to work on recruiting process research in 2020, so I can learn where I am in terms of career development, wealth building.

First article

I like to start to read the article. Here is the one.

Case study: My weakness in last 10 years working full time

January 28, 2020


It is my short research. What is my weakness in last 10 years working full time? I learned that after I had onsite interview from Dialpad in December 2020.

Case study

As a software programmer, I like to push myself hard this year 2020 to learn more about technology. I like to start to read a restful webservice book, and then work on system design. I really like to learn how to advance myself in terms of book reading, technology, and large distributed system.

What I do is to work as an interviewer on, prepare for one system design interview called design twitter.

I like to start to work on one book, one system design to design twitter, and then continue to push myself hard.

My decision process in 2009

January 28, 2020


It is my personal finance research. I like to work on a short research, why I did not make an appointment with a financial advisor in 2009, instead I just closed my stock account, and then said goodbye to stock market, never went back even once to download my statements last 10 years from 2010 to 2019. Why?

Case study

I had a lot of time to attend church service from 2010 to 2019, but I never spent time to review my portfolios, and also I never spend even one hour to study S & P 500 index, and understand what is growth fund, what most popular ones?

I like to look into how many options I should consider when I need to make a decision.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Kobe Bryant Teaches His Daughter Basketball While Watching Trae Young & Hawks vs Nets! Hawks vs Nets

Here is the link.

Case study: System design - design twitter

Jan. 27, 2020


I met a software engineer who worked with me on system design on Jan, the topic is to design twitter on Jan. 27, 2020. I believe that he has very good presentation of his knowledge and experience. I like to work on a short case study.

Case study

design a twitter, let us start, less than 1000 users, RSTful API, post twitter, follow, follower can see time line, hashtag, search using hashtag, -> scability, bottom neck
authentication jwt token
encrpty user_id with information this token only remaining valid around 1 week
define salt key random string
decrypt token invalid
/we store token after user authenticate redis
http protocol
login(username, password)
post_tweet(user_id, content)
follow(user_id, followed_user_id)
get_recent_timeline(user_id, start, end) return array of tweets
search(hashtag) return array of tweets
header 200 ok
server internal error 500
request parameter invalid 400
body: {
message: "ok"
error_code: 23,
error_message: ""
User table
id , username , password, created_at
Tweet table
id, user_id , content, created_at
Hashtag table
id, tweet_id, hashtag
1 . 1 . hashtag1
2 1 . hashtag2
Follower table
user_id, follow_id bot id foreign key to user table, created_at
agregate based on recent tweets from our follower
so it will be agregate background and it will store in cache in redis
user_id: [tweet_id, tweet_id, tweet_id ]
less than 1000 user
Client -> LB -> Reverse Proxy -> UserService -> Redis ->MYSQL
-> TimelineService -> Redis -> MYSQL
please describe and write down why we need reverse proxy:
Reverse Proxy
we can add rate limiter
SSL termination
compression response for outbound
blaclist certain ip
select * from hashtag_table like '#hashtag' - for searching hashtag
ranking based on like, retweet on tweet
type (like, retweet) | actor_id ( user_id) | tweet_id | created_at
1st query if grow big store in cache
tweet_id_total_likes: 123
tweet_id_total_retweet: 123
every time we do agregation we can also update in tweet table
Tweet table
id, user_id , content, created_at, total_likes, total_retweet
we can read based on total_likes or total_retweet basedo n algorithm
100 Million
something #hastag something
if tweet include hashtag it will do tokenizer based on hashtag as the main key it will send to queue and worker will index to elastic search it will use inverted index
got tweet send asycn to queue
worker instance will call index api to elastic search
inverted index is data structure for faster lookup
let say
doc1 tweet #something #abc
doc2 tweet #something #abc2
// keyword index criteria -
1 "something like this #abc"
fuzzy search some
tokenizer phrase that not has hashtag
we define min length 4
#something doc1, doc2
#abc doc1
#abc2 doc2
Client -> LB -> Reverse Proxy -> Fanout -> SearchService -> Queue -> Worker -> ElasticSearch
-> PostTweetService -> MYSQL
-> Redis
Please write down some keywords to help understand FAUout
Fanout is for sending /forwarding request to multiple service
Fanin call from server service and merge
-> TimelineService -> Redis -> MYSQL
we will have a lot of followers
we can 2 mechanism timeline
push /pull
server will do push information new tweet if user follower if less than 1 million
if user follower if greater than 1 million it means to get the new tweets from that user they must using pull
push mechanism can be divide in two
SSE / Websocket
Pull mechanism
short polling every 5 minutes calling to see new tweet from celebrity follower
Survey -
Cassadra -
distributed storage -
AWS - storage -
zookeeper - Redis - idea
Cassandra High throupout and high availability but the downside eventual consistent
User_id -> list(tweet_id)
mysql it use master slave
quorum ring based consistent hashing
consistent hashing
5 server
size of the ring 0 - 2^32-1
server1 1
server2 3
server3 4
hash the data and doing % with size of the ring
it will place the data based on the clock wise
let say i hash data i got number 2 it will store in server2
large data intensive application (this i read the book)
- do you learn by reading or you also work on large distribute system
real experience - large distributed system -
what is technology different from twitter system
what is weakness/ strength system design?
if familiar with questoin is easy
let say design something im not familiar like live streaming like
view raw Design twitter hosted with ❤ by GitHub

I start to write daily on, good idea?

Jan. 27, 2020


I compare myself to Jessica Su, and I only write one of 7000 she does. So I like to write more on

My writing 

Here is my writing on Jan. 27, 2020.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Jon Stein, founder and CEO of Betterment

Jon Stein, founder and CEO of Betterment:

"I wasted so much time and money by overthinking investing. Whether it was opening a dozen brokerage accounts, getting too concentrated in individual securities (thanks Enron), and attempting to do overly complicated transactions — it was a waste."

"I should have just taken the index route in my younger years. I'd be in a better place for retirement now, and I would have been able to spend more time with friends and family."

"The money is one thing, but I'll especially never get back the hundreds of hours I poured into trying to beat the market."

Credit Karma CEO on the Future of Fintech

Here is the link with five minute interview with Ken Li.

Ken Lin, Credit Karma - From $0 to Billion at Breakneck Speed

Here is the link.

7 Highly Successful People Share Their Biggest Financial Regrets

Here is the article.

Ken Lin, CEO and founder of Credit Karma.

Without An Exit Strategy You Will Lose At Investing

Here is the article.

23 Traits of Successful Investors

Here is the article.

  1. They clearly define their goals
  2. They don't shy away from risk
  3. Successful investors take time to read
  4. They don't allow fear to rule their decisions
  5. They maintain a humble attitude
  6. They learn from failure
  7. They demonstrate staying power
  8. They exercise patience
  9. They keep it real
  10. But they believe in their success too
  11. They don't overanalyzed everything
  12. Successful investors stay optimistic
  13. They actively manage their investments
  14. They don't play the blame game
  15. They keep an eye on their track record
  16. Successful investors avoid impulse buys
  17. They practice good habits in every area of their finances
  18. They practice gratitude
  19. They project confidence
  20. But they don't take it too far
  21. They're educated about the market
  22. They mix things up
  23. They have an exit plan
Did you recognize some of these traits in you?
If so, you just may have what it takes to become a successful investor. But even if you didn't, these traits can be developed over time.
Remember, it's not always about how smart you are. It's all comes down to determination, patience, confidence, and willingness to learn. And of course, the ability to take a risk.
Just keep on honing these traits and you will soon find yourself on the path to investment success.

How to be a good self-learner on finance?

January 26, 2020


It is so hard for me to look into myself as a self-learner. What I like to figure out is to how to be a self-learner, I do believe that the education I can get as self-learner will be top-of-world using

How to be a good self-learner?

What I like to do is to spend one hour or two to study the presentation by those finance professors. This weekend I like to spend one hour to listen Roger Ibbotson's presentation.

I can go through the articles more often and find ideas to look into.

The A,B,Cs of Hedge Funds: Alphas, Betas, and Costs

Here is the paper written in 2006 by professor Roger Ibbotson. I like to spend 10 to 20 minutes to read the paper in short future.

$100,000 US dollar loss from 2010 to 2019 - understand asset allocation

Jan. 26, 2020


It is time for me to look into asset allocation. I did have some problems to deal with my emotions back in 2009, and then I decided to move my 401 K par tech into money market fund, and also my IRA to Amtrust bank CD. I did not work on review of my portfolios from 2010 to 2019 near 10 years. I like to catch up with more reading here. 

Asset allocation

There are two big points to understand here when it comes to choosing an asset allocation.
First, if you want to reach for higher returns, you’ll have to choose a more aggressive asset allocation that comes with a lower level of certainty about whether you’ll actually get those returns.
If someone is telling you about a way to get higher returns without increased risk, then they’re selling you something that doesn’t exist (unless they’re talking about simple diversification).
Second — and this is a point that’s often overlooked — certainty about returns brings its own set of risks. This is why I say that risk is a strange word when it’s used in the context of investing.
With a savings account you can be certain of your balance from day to day, but you’re running the risk that the value of your money will decrease due to inflation. Over short periods of time this isn’t a big deal. But over long periods of time it matters a lot.
This is the main reason why people suggest that long-term investors put their money into riskier investments, like the stock market; there’s actually risk on both ends of the spectrum.
So, here are two things you’ll want to keep in mind about risk and return when choosing your asset allocation:
  1. If you want the possibility of higher returns, you’ll have to accept more uncertainty about whether you’ll get them. That’s the trade-off that comes from putting a higher percentage of your money in the stock market.
  2. Over the long-term, there actually IS risk involved with even “low risk” investments. That’s why you’ll likely want a significant amount of your long-term money in the stock market.
I just copy the content from the article

Roger Ibbotson's Keynote Speech at the Collegiate Alternative Investments Summit

Here is the link.

Watch Roger Ibbotson's keynote speech, "The ABC's of Hedge Funds: Alphas, Betas, and Costs", at the inaugural 2013 Collegiate Alternative Investments Summit sponsored by the D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University, Boston MA.

Roger Ibbotson - Asset allocation

This paper by Roger Ibbotson has all the details, but the upshot is that your investment return will be determined by three main factors:
  1. 75% of your return comes from something you have no control over: the overall market return. That is, simply deciding to invest at all will expose you to most of the same big market swings that everyone else experiences. What this really means is that most of your return is not at all a reflection of you as an investor or your specific strategy, but simply a reflection of what’s going on in the world as a whole.
  2. 15% of your return comes from how much you decide to expose yourself to those market movements. This is your asset allocation.
  3. 10% of your return comes from the specific investment choices you make. That is, the specific mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds, etc. that you decide to use.

Case study: First rebalance of Victoria portfolio

January 26, 2020


It was so nervous to work on my first rebalance. I spent less than $20.00 dollar to sell ETFs and purchase bond ETF.

Case study

Here is my snapshot of transactions.

Total fees for rebalance.

Asset Allocation: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Get It Right

Here is the article.

All-in-one funds

Vanguard offers its LifeStrategy Growth Fund that looks like this:
  • 48% Vanguard Total US Stock Market Index Fund
  • 32% Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund
  • 14% Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund
  • 6% Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund
With a single fund, you get access to the entire world of stocks and bonds. You never have to worry about rebalancing, since the fund does that for you. And the total cost is only 0.15% per year.
This is as easy as it gets. Literally all you have to do is find a fund that approximates your target asset allocation, set up automatic contributions to that fund, and you’re done! You’ve created an index-based investment strategy that requires almost no ongoing work and, according to the research, has an 80-90% chance of outperforming the professionals.

How to Beat 80% of Investors With 1% of the Effort

Here is the link.

1. All-in-one funds

Vanguard offers its LifeStrategy Growth Fund that looks like this:
  • 48% Vanguard Total US Stock Market Index Fund
  • 32% Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund
  • 14% Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund
  • 6% Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund
With a single fund, you get access to the entire world of stocks and bonds. You never have to worry about rebalancing, since the fund does that for you. And the total cost is only 0.15% per year.
This is as easy as it gets. Literally all you have to do is find a fund that approximates your target asset allocation, set up automatic contributions to that fund, and you’re done! You’ve created an index-based investment strategy that requires almost no ongoing work and, according to the research, has an 80-90% chance of outperforming the professionals.

How to Use Modern Portfolio Theory for Smarter Investing

Here is the article.

Habits and Attitudes of Successful Investors

Here is the talk given by Paul Merriman.

How to Avoid 4 Bad Investing Habits That Can Destroy Your Nest Egg

Here is the link.

  • Investment guru syndrome
  • Listening to noise
  • Not having automatic contribution
  • Not reviewing your portfolio

David Swensen Advises Index Funds

Here is the article.

Investing Habits: The Good and the Bad

Here is the article.

  • Performance chasing
  • Underdiversification
  • Seeking comfort
  • Invest strategically
  • Diversify risks aggressively
  • Accept discomfort if you're paid for it

8 bad investing habits you need to stop doing

Jan. 26, 2020

Here is the article.

  1. Buying high and selling low
  2. Investing without (checking) your plan
  3. Investing with emotions
  4. Borrowing from the individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
  5. Listening to gurus
  6. Not rebalancing portfolio

The 4-Step Investment Health Check

Here is the link.

10 Bad Investment Habits To Break

Here is the article.

  1. Not thinking long-term
  2. Don't follow the herd
  3. Not sticking with your plan or not having one to begin with
  4. Relying on past performance
  5. Buying high and selling low
  6. Trying to time the market 
  7. Not having a diversified portfolio
  8. Not rebalancing your portfolio
  9. Checking your investment too regularly
  10. Not doing your research

It's all about time in the market not timing the market. 

Top 10 bad habits investors need to break

Here is the article.

  1. Setting unrealistic goals
  2. Failing to plan
  3. Being financially illiterate
  4. Becoming impatient
  5. Lacking discipline
  6. Resisting change
  7. Procrastinating
  8. Chasing performance
  9. Seeking comfort
  10. Under-diversification

Investing Habits to Leave Behind in 2020 | Phil Town

Here is the link.

Each year there are a lot of unknowns with the market (the election, trade tariffs, possible impeachment) 👀 Don’t let your decisions be impacted by unpredictability. Promise yourself that you will break old habits from 2019 and start making smarter investment decisions in 2020.

  1. Do not put off retirement preparation
  2. Add more debt
  3. Stop following the mob in and out of the market

Mob, speculator 
- buy high and sell low 
- break this mental trap 
- do not buy back in - according to emotional economy
- how to do opposite 
- sense of ...
- you have to teach youself how to be ... 

Economy storm - bucket of cash