Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Equity research project: INTC stock - undervalue - value investing - project planning

 Jan. 12, 2021


It is time for me to write a project I wish that I could have completed and make some gains to invest 500 shares to buy at price $44/ share in Dec. 2020, and sell at $53/ share in Jan. 2021. I like to write down how to work on project management. 

INTC stock - how to catch an opportunity

Dec. 21, 2020 - $46.36 / share
Jan. 12, 2021 - $53.24/ share

Intrinsic value is $69 dollar/ share, at price $46.00, it is almost 30% discount, it takes 50% gain to reach intrinsic value. Marginal safety is good enough for me to make a big bet - 500 shares. 

20% gains in less than one month - 
Risk analysis - undervalue, it is ok to hold for long term. 

My purchase

Actionable items

I have to learn to be patient, and take some risk. It is risky to lose 30%, but if I can hold for long term, then I may have 100% return in 6 months to 12 months in pandemic. 

As long as I choose to be a value investor, I should focus on more on business, value of business. Do not care about the market value losses in short term. 

Do not think that I can time the market very well. Just try my best to buy low and sell high. 

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