Thursday, November 23, 2017

As iron sharpens an iron, a friend sharpens a friend

Nov. 23, 2017


Proverb 27:17 is my favorite verse, As iron sharpens an iron, a friend sharpens a friend. I used the bible verse very often to encourage my sisters last 2 weeks to get involved the community of sisters and brother as a whole and stay together after my mom passed away Nov. 11, 2017. I also like to use this encourage myself to stay in mock interview, always reach out others to help and share and work hard as a player as well.

I just created a new gmail account and started the fifth round of the interview on Nov. 22, 2017. I start from 6 mock interview credit. I have to work hard to gain more credit. Surprisingly, I met a veteran who has over 10 years experience, and also worked in Microsoft on Nov. 22, 2017.

New idea please! 

I have been worked on the binary search algorithm over 10 + 10 times, as interviewer and also interviewee since March 2017. This time, the peer asked me to clarify my code using a test case after I wrote the code. I understood that the peer did not understand my analysis and if that is the case then I should work on better presentation or make the code much easier to follow.

I need to do more work after my last mock interview on Leetcode 33 algorithm. This solution I practiced on Nov. 22 is exactly the same idea I did the previous mock interview on the algorithm on Sept. 16, 2017.

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