Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Four Money Beliefs That Are Holding You Back Financially - Millionaire Mindset Ep. 2

Here is the link.

#1 Negative association with money. I was thought that rich people are greedy
#2 Grew up in a community environment. Brought up to ask for permission before I can take actions. People even have to confront relatives to choose a partner/spouse
#3 Fear of success. I always use an open bucket of crabs as an illustration. If a crab tries to climb out, another will pull the crab back in the bucket. I thought, what is the point of being successful if I had to start again?
#4 Noticed that I was spending too much time with entertainment. Currently cut down time spent on entertainment and social media to focus on being productive and doing the work. Learning to take more actions.

Another comment about ideas:

The 4 common inner conflicts holding people back 1. Negative associations with money and wealth (this is the belief of the 95%) "you should love what you do so much, it's the only thing you're willing to make money from"
2. Overly sensitive to others' opinions, perceptions, criticism, gossip & outright attacks (don't take it personal)
3. fear of changes required for higher level of success, where in-turn you secretly sense deep down within, you say to yourself "maybe I'm not good enough, not worthy or inadequate"
4. realization of unwillingness to pay the price but equally unwilling to admit this; as a result, i.e. attend seminar so you feel better about yourself (in other words; lying to yourself)
• success must be paid in advance • you'll know you've paid the price when you've accomplished it (depends on the size of one's goal) • most people knows how failure feels but not how success feels (fear of the unknown) • Book Recommendation - Jim Newman's "Release Your Brakes" (free pdf can be found online) • Event Recommendation - T. Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind Intensive (free 3-day event) • No 6-figure high earners can operate with high levels of unresolved inner conflicts about money and wealth. Millionaires have no margin for such weakness. (3 keys: know how to make it, keep it, multiply it)

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