Sunday, July 14, 2019

My waist line

July 14, 2019


 I like to write something related to my waist line. I need to control weight, and play more tennis. I used to play whole day tennis in weekend, but now I have to cut to 1 or 2 hours in weekend, since I like to work on algorithm practice.

How to control weight?

I need to continue to work on weight control.


  1. Hello,
    all u need is some way to burn calories each day which is similar to your daily routine to work on algorithms. You can just do some brisk walk outside home or some exercises at home using some free workout apps on mobile. trust me, take out 30min at home and work at home doing stretching and some light exercise. make this your daily routine. ur body will keep losing calories each day.

    1. Excellent advice. Best comment in my coding blog in 2019.

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