Sunday, January 12, 2020

How to learn finance and investment as a 53 year old?

January 12, 2020


It is so easy to learn since there are so many good quality materials to work on. I like to write a short research how to learn finance and investment as a 53 year old.

Work on my reading skills

I think that I am a hard working person. But I have to work on my reading skills, analytical skills. One thing I can do is to journal my learning, so I can review my progress and then figure out how to add on more learning material.

It is most important for me to learn and build curiosity level. I like to learn how to think and ask questions in terms of thinking about investment. I should learn at least a few hundreds of hours first, and then explore all areas I have interest in first.

Monitor my own behavior carefully

It is always important for me to monitor my own economics behavior carefully. The mistakes will create huge difference in my asset, I have to show my mistakes not to take 2010 to 2019 ten years time seriously, I should have spent hundreds hours to learn by myself finance industry, and understand how to invest in index fund, know all the numbers in those well-written articles in famous media like Morningstar, US news, or MSNBC.

I should start to write personal finance as a Chinese, single Chinese, immigrant, Canadian citizen. It is important to showcase how I learn to invest and manage risk.

Accept myself

I have to learn how to take myself as is. Everytime I find my weakness, I have to push myself to work as an engineer and then start to find an optimal solution. I did make mistakes to create problems for myself, sometimes get depressed for one or two days, but I have to learn to care about myself,  forgive myself as a human being, and move on.

In order to live healthy and wealthy life, I should start early back in 2001 after my first laidoff to learn personal finance, and read investment books carefully. Instead it takes me another 18 years until I was 52 years old.

I did go through so many problems to learn to live a healthy and happy life. One of ideas is to go over those years from 1984 to 2019, and assume that I am a highly efficient person, how to make some corrections to make my life and work better.

I like to use one of statements I like to end my today's short research.

 lot of what you believe today will eventually be proven wrong. Never stop looking for truth. 
Daniel Crosby, Ph.D. Behavioral officer at Brink Capital, 40 yrs birthday meditations

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