Friday, January 17, 2020

Key largo portfolio first rebalance

Jan. 17, 2020


It is time for me to practice what I learn. I like to work on my first rebalance next week. I also copy some verses from bible to encourage myself to work hard and think carefully about my decision.

First rebalance

19 懒惰人的道像荆棘的篱笆,正直人的路是平坦的大道。 20 智慧子使父亲喜乐,愚昧人藐视母亲。 21 无知的人以愚妄为乐,聪明的人按正直而行。 22 不先商议,所谋无效;谋士众多,所谋乃成。 23 口善应对,自觉喜乐;话合其时,何等美好。

I like to sell the market change, and then purchase bond.

Follow up 

January 21, 2020 
12:22 AM

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