Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Second day rebound: I should take a day off - Good research - Time to invest

 Nov. 10, 2020


I have to take it seriously. Today is second day rebound. I should take a day off, and bet on some oil stock or other bank stock etc. A lot of investors are putting faith in vaccine and put together a quick return on stock today. 

WES stock

It has over 20% return on Nov. 10, 2020. Price from 7.87 -> 11.13, 3.25/7.87 = 50% return 

PBA stock

8.17% return

PPL.TO stock

Over 8% return

I have $64,000 dollars on my TFSA account cash to invest, marginal account $7000 dollars, Ameritrade IRA account near $18,000 dollars. 

If I invest $30,000 on PPL.TO this morning and $30,000 on ENB.TO stock, then I will have near $2400 dollars gains 8% on PPL.TO stock and 5% on ENB.TO near $1500 dollars. In total I can make $3900 dollars. 

Market is stable today and still go up for good and stable oil company. 


I like to list those oil and energy company return today. 

Actionable Items

I bet that a lot of programmers can make huge amount of gains on oil stocks last two days. All it takes is to do good research, discipline to follow the rule to buy low and sell high. 

I have to learn how to discipline myself. Take less time and think clearly. This is most important opportunity for beginners to make huge gains in two days. 

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