Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Essay practice

May 16, 2018


It is so nice to have a roommate to give a free essay lesson, and also she recorded the video for me. After that, she also gave me at least 10 minutes what I should work on. She gave her own version how she approached the problem as IELTS full time teacher with one year experience.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that charity organizations should only offer help to people of their own country. But others believe that these organizations should give aid to people in great need whenever they live.


I like to upload the video to, since it is such a big file. Otherwise the file will get lost. There are so many issues in my talk.

I have to start from somewhere. It is better to document my experience.

List of problems

1. There is no interaction with audience
2. The way I looked at people is kind of strange. I did not focus on a person, I moved away.
3. It looks funny somehow
4. The talk is not structured. Audience does not know where it is in the talk. It is better to talk about three points, and tell audience right now which point it is.
5. The hair style is not so good. Leave the fronthead open, show more confident.
6. I should answer two tasks: Two views, write down key points for each view, and talk about them. This is the first task. Second task is to express my opinion.

The video is far below the standard. Just close eye after 20 seconds.

My friend got her training first two months when she started the current job. She practices over ten times for one lecture, using techniques like recording the lecture video, review and try again.

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