Friday, May 4, 2018

The birth of Julia's coding blog

May 4, 2018

I could not believe that I read the blog I wrote 2 years ago why I start the coding blog in 2015. I just copy and paste here from the blog written 2 years ago


It is exciting to write the sliding window search algorithm with time complexity O(N),  N is the string's length. The similar algorithm is here on, and also it is very close to the Leetcode 76: Minimum Window Substring.

There is a short story about the sliding window algorithm. Julia still remembered that 2 years ago in 2015 January, Julia asked to get her first onsite interview after a tech talk social event, she could not pass phone screen from top four software companies. But she likes to find out what if she has one and what she should learn.

She was asked to solve the algorithm to search a minimum substring as the second algorithm, but she failed to solve the problem on onsite interview and she could not write any code with a lot of hints. This is the first onsite coding interview she managed to get in the city of Vancouver after working full time over 5 years.

After a week analysis of the algorithm, Julia decided to start to write a coding blog, practice coding every day.

A coding blog starting January 2015

The only way Julia can think about improving the algorithm and data structure problem solving is related to learn from her tennis sports practice in the city of Vancouver. What she did is to work on tennis sport practice over one hundred hours, two hundreds hours, and then she started to play double matches and met over hundred people on the tennis court.

She understood that onsite interview is such a great help for her to understand that she needs to make life style change. She needs to find those people working hard on algorithm and data structure practice, work on something together, practice together.

She likes to give back to others, shows her generous to share, most likely she will share her failure, struggle at the beginning.

She started to write day by day, now her coding blog is like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream (Jerimiah 17:8).

Here is the blog about the algorithm to find minimum substring using sliding window technique written 2 years ago, January 2015. This is the time Julia understood that it is important for her to start to write a coding blog to help herself. She felt so frustrated on the onsite interview but she quickly learned something related to her tennis sports practice.

This time Julia came out the idea in less than 1 minute, but she still needs to work on a few implementation details.

Follow up 

August 30, 2019

Onsite interview place - 

Time: 2015 January 
Place: Westin hotel in the city of Vancouver downtown
One hour coding interview: 

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