Saturday, March 15, 2025

The REAL Reason Alaska Air Group Dipped This Week

Here is the link. 

Analyzing why Alaska Air experienced significant market volatility this week, with the stock hovering precariously above its 200-day moving average. As the stock market shows mixed signals, trading activity reflects cautious investor sentiment near this critical support level. Despite being technically oversold on the market, with an RSI of 26, deeper analysis of stocks suggests potential for future downside.

Risk management - Not how much to earn

10% gain - House money, it is your pay check - respect, and work hard to protect the value

6 months targets/ goals - write down - it helps to drive you toward the target

Trading style - personality - Deepak attended master class from Minier

What's your trading style -

  • Buy & Hold
  • Swing trader
  • Scalper
  • Day
It is house money - change your style - more aggressively - deserve to have money - revenge trading
It is the easy money - it is not a pay check - treat it as a pay check 
Manage the risk - strong market - get 100% 

USIC - good to compete with those folks - mental 
Deepak Uppal 

Uptrend - 
Stocks over $75 - cut your universal a little bit
ATR - 3%+ , momentum,
Specific industry groups - 
    No Chinese stocks
    No Baba stock - got burned too much
Not working, sell it - turn around - why risk going down 
Typically sell before eanrings - do not play around it - get burned 
Market doing about earnings - punish and get feeling about it 
Know your math - know your number

Trade risk, know your number in your head 

One trade - keep limit 1 or 2% at most 

R - risk multiple - 1R - Risk 
How often do you check - weekly, monthly 
From trade viewpoint

Using margin - 

  • A day to settle - buy and hold - using margin - part of my balance - trade so long - feel comfortable - take time to learn how to leverage correctly
  • Bad market - too much margin - bad one
  • Million dollars - get 2 million dollars to trade - Come after you - margin - 20% 
  • 70% or 80% - prevent you little bit to get in trouble with your broker consistently

AVGO progressive exposure 


SMCI stock 

Index trade

Grow your account 

Trader Lion Model book 

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