Thursday, October 26, 2017

What are top 10 questions to ask yourself as a software programmer?

Oct. 26, 2017

Plan to write a blog and answer the question on The question is "What are top 10 questions to ask yourself as a software programmer?". The link is here.

Oct. 27, 2017

It is the fact that I stay at current job over 7 years. Last 3 years, I work day and night, and try to work on data structure and algorithm, work on solving leetcode algorithms. I finally can say that I can write much more efficient code, wish that I can write a better product for the business.

I ask myself a lot of questions. Let me put down a list first and then sort out by the categories.

New roles 

Can I be a good project manager?
Can I be a product manager to manage myself?

When I document my experience through coding blog, do I demonnstrate good skills as a product manager or project manager?

Hackerrank contests

Do I have more time to play hackerrank contests and win more medals?
Do I regain the passion to play hackerrank contest after I won my first gold medal?
Do I still work hard to study lead board of hackerrank contest and then try to figure out something new to learn?

Do I have freedom to rewrite the whole website using some fancy technology I learn recently?

How long should I choose to work on programming job?
When do I notice that I need constantly review what I have done and then code review, rewrite the code?

Simplify the engineering 

How is the review of cache design in the website?

should I continue to do some research on website cache design issue?


What percentage is to train myself coding?
When to train myself?
What to train myself?

How to bring people to my working relationships? How to form a circle?


What is my 6 month goal?
What is my 12 month goal?
How many hours to spend on to learn some new tecnologies?

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