Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Algorithm blog beyond my level

Feb. 20, 2018


I chose to stop playing Hackerrank week of code 36 since I know that I have to work on more on mock interviews instead. But I did catch up things on week of code 36, I spent around two hours in the contest to try to solve the hard level algorithm. One thing I followed up after the contest is to look up submission of the hard algorithm, I went over all submission with full score on the hard level algorithm, checked profiles one by one. A few of them are working for Google, and a lot of them are players I know before, but this time I did find a nice player with great sharing his coding blog.

It is kind of different feeling. I do not want to stop on Leetcode algorithm only. I know that those algorithms are serving best for the interest of interviews, but I like those algorithm hard and make me excited and could not stop thinking about all the time.

In other hand, I do know that my learning of algorithm should also focus on the foundations.

Algorithm blog

It is hard level algorithm blog. All those algorithms are beyond the normal interview of Google/ Facebook questions. But it is good for me to train myself once a while.

Here is the list of algorithms on the blog.

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