Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Float number and operators algorithm

Dec. 7, 2018


It is the fifth mock interview on the platform, and I am the interviewer. I have to be very careful since my last mock interview I got very low rating, the peer said that he wasted time, and I learn something quickly.

I am still trying to use the same two algorithms, but I like to make sure that I have to lead the peer to the optimal solution, this way if I am real interviewer, interviewee will like to work with me. Also I have to show up as the professional, act like a real interviewer.

Julia interviewer 

As an algorithm daily mock interviewer, I am lazy to think about the solution using dynamic programming. Today the peer wrote one dynamic programming solution for the algorithm. I learned quickly, it is so easy, nothing different from deletion distance algorithm I HAVE practiced over 20 times.

I know that sometimes I have this false impression and think that I am super talented.

Here is the python code using dynamic programming, I reviewed the code. The code passes test case [1, 12, -3] with maximum value 33.

The power of the algorithm

I try to practice nice as an interviewer, and then it turns out that the interviewee is super talented. He passed Google onsite interview recently. I just could not believe that I have learned how to behave in mock interview, I just need to follow the interviewee and watch the video how he answered each question.

Bayesian statistics

Do you like to read the performance report using Bayesian statistics. Definitely it is learning experience for me, I really enjoy the ride so far. I met top performers, over 10 years programmer working on search engine, a person can write a compiler (I guess), and a young master graduate who can pass through google onsite.

It is not hard for me to learn one algorithm very well. I just try out for difference interviewees and then learn from the experience.

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