Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Leetcode 128: Longest Consecutive Sequence (II)

Feb. 13, 2018


It is the hard level algorithm. I chose to study the algorithm since the blogger wrote a blog abut Leetcode Spiral Matrix, and today I chose to review my blog in 2015, and then I had chance to review the summary of Leetcode graph problems.


The blogger talked abut using graph and depth first search technique to find optimal solution based on time complexity O(n). The array does not need to be sorted, and the graph including all elements in the array can be expressed in a hashset.

Here is the gist I created to study the blog. And here is the C# code I wrote based on Java code.

Analysis of the algorithm

What I like to do is to go over the analysis of algorithm written in Chinese in the above blog. And then I like to highlight a few things, and make some arguments.

The array is not sorted. It is integer array.
Need to find longest consecutive subarray.

longest consecutive sequence - greedy algorithm

What is consecutive sequence?
You can start any element in the array, and then search its left side and then right side and find all consecutive sequence include the number.

O(nlogn) time complexity algorithm


Think in Graph

其实这个题看起来是数字处理,排序的问题,但是如果要达到好的时间复杂度,还得从图的角度来考虑。思路是把这些数字看成图的顶点,而边就是他相邻的数字,然后进行深度优先搜索。通俗一点说就是先把数字放到一个集合中,拿到一个数字,就往其两边搜索,得到包含这个数字的最长串,并且把用过的数字从集合中移除(因为连续的关系,一个数字不会出现在两个串中)。最后比较当前串是不是比当前最大串要长,是则更新。如此继续直到集合为空。如果我们用HashSet来存储数字,则可以认为访问时间是常量的,那么算法需要一次扫描来建立集合,第二次扫描来找出最长串,所以复杂度是O(2 * n) = O( n ),空间复杂度是集合的大小,即O( n )。

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