Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Easy level algorithms - 2 easy level algorithm a day for 17 days

August 28, 2018


Starting from July 10, I started to work on easy level algorithms on Here is my status on, 179/889 solved, easy 91, medium 63, hard 33. I also created a folder for easy level algorithms on github, here is the link.

August 13, 2018
August 30, 2018

Google search

I just find out that Google search does good job, when I search "jianmin chen leetcode", all sharings of my practice are listed. Here is the link for search result. 

2 easy level algorithms a day 

It is slow in the average, 2 easy level algorithms a day, from August 13 to August 30, I finished 34 easy level algorithms. I like to learn how I can work on easy level algorithm in one hour, I can finish 3 algorithms without any headache, nervousness, and bugs catched by Leetcode online judge.

To be a professional software programmer, it is so important for me to learn that training is so important, and also very serious part to continue to make a living as a software programmer.

I think that using easy level algorithm to train myself is necessary and I understand that it is also very important for me to ensure that I can keep myself think hard and work hard on crafting skills.

There is difference with two people, one training every day, one does not train at all in the sports. Same as a software programmer, one month ago I will show up so nervous, since I do not get enough training daily, continuously over years from 2000 to 2018.

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