Sunday, August 19, 2018

Why do I need to stimulate my brain to work on at least 20 algorithm a week?

August 19, 2018


It is a good research topic. In order to reach or maintain the smartest brain in the world, I have to figure out what is the minimum algorithms I need to read, think and write in one week. 20 algorithms to read and think? A programmer has to maintain his/ her performance in order to survive performance review or get more confident on being a professional. Suppose that I are a Facebook engineer, I will work on new problems every day. How do I prepare for myself to be the best performer? Should I at least finish all easy level algorithms on first?

I have a friend who finishes all easy level algorithms, medium level algorithms. And then she gives herself 6 months to go over all hard level algorithms on

Be prepared to train with millions programmers together on So I am determined to finish all 190 easy level algorithms first. Work hard and write code, and then train myself to build confidence on learning and training first. I will find ways to solve medium level or hard level algorithms later.


I have several ideas. Get involve in community, such as Leetcode algorithm and practice, online judge and discuss. Another thing is to stimulate your brain every day, every few hours to work on new problems, push yourself to think hard and work hard.

Easy level algorithms are very good choices. I read the statistics related to multiple Google and Facebook engineers training over 1000 submission last 12 months, submission over 400 or 500 algorithms.

Why people push so hard on training?

I also like to ask myself why those people train themselves so hard to solve those algorithm and data structure problems. How they manage to do the work?

I had a coach who advised me to work on easy level algorithm in July 2018. He took one year to complete over 500 algorithm on

Every time I deal with frustration, I feel nervous or excitement, it may be good time for me to start to train myself on algorithm problem solving. One of the analysis is that I do not practice enough easy level algorithms, or I do not get used to think about the problems very often. Frustration is just the remind me that there is no way to get around the hard work, embrace it.

Once I feel so comfortable to solve problems, I will find the work so easy and then I will have more time and energy to solve more algorithms problems.

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