Sunday, October 28, 2018

The top 10 traits of people who advance in their careers

Oct. 28, 2018


It is time for me to read the article called top 10 traits, here is the link.

My most favorite top three traits

1. See failures as opportunities - ranking 10 out of 10

I failed to research the real estate market in British Columbia from 2010 to 2018, and I ended up wasting a lot of money on my vacation, clothing, shoes, car maintenance etc. I felt so disappointed to myself.

I recalled the test I prepared for Canada citizenship in 2014, I did prepare it in last week; Compared to the sister in the church, she prepared much early, attended two session 3 hours course in Burnaby library, and also shared her experience with me.

I have to overcome this procrastination problem. I pay the big price for the bad habit, since I do not build good habit at the very beginning.

2. Look for a mentor - ranking 9 out of 10

I just could not believe that I chose to have a mentor to help me advance my skills in algorithm and data structure problem solving in June, 2018.

3. Aspire for more - ranking 8 out of 10

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