Saturday, December 28, 2019

Investment or speculation: 100 share Amazon stock $400/ share in 2015?

Dec. 28, 2019


It is my personal finance research. I like to work on a case study, people in the city of Seattle learn that Amazon has a lot of new building under construction in 2015, so one of them purchased $40,000 US dollar and $400 dollar a share, he owns 100 shares.

Case study

In 2019, Amazon stock is $1800/ share, 100 shares will have market value $180,000 US dollars. How hard is it for a person to come out the idea to invest in Amazon in 2015?

Amazon will start building third Seattle skyscraper next fall (slideshow), here is the article. 

Amazon has had an incredibly strong year. Its stock price has more than doubledcloud revenue is soaring and the company added 3 million Prime members in the week leading up to the Christmas weekend. Growth like that is likely to lead to hiring.

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