Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Stock research: Build a good habit

June 23, 2020


It is time for me to talk about building a good habit to be an investor. I have to change my life style, go to bed early, and also start to work on research on the stock market. Every time there is 10% up turn, it is time for me to make $500 US dollars since I have $10,000 fund to available for investment. 

Actionable Items

  1. Go to bed early around 9:00 AM;
  2. Get up early around 6:00 AM
  3. Start to work on research on market and read the article as well
  4. Compare SABR and Trip, they are matching same trend. 9:30 AM - 12 PM EST go up and then down, after that Trip 10% up, SABR 5% up
  5. Understand $5000 US dollars, the value of my investment. I have to fully use the power of fund to do investment
  6. Build a habit to work from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM on market research. 
June 22, 2020

TRIP stock and SABR stock went up in the same time, and TRIP has 10% return, SABR has 5% return. 

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