Monday, August 13, 2018

190 easy level algorithms

August 13, 2018


There are 891 algorithms on today August 13, 2018 10:42 PM. And 250 out of those 891 algorithms are easy level.  I like to work on those 190 easy level one since I already solved 60 easy level algorithms

I like to build some good habits when I work on those 190 easy level algorithms. One habit is to write code every day. Also try to relate to an easy level algorithm if I need to solve an algorithm problem.

Amazon leadership principle, invent and simplify. I like to apply the principle to help me argue the strategy to insist on easy level algorithm training first.


My strategy is to train myself based on easy level algorithm. Use 190 easy level algorithms on, I like to invent a drill to help me every day, comprehend 7 algorithms first in one hour daily and come out my own ideas. I will follow through the code and submission using Leetcode online judge. The goal is to improve problem comprehensibility in general, and I like to push myself into training every day.

It is important to code every day using Leetcode easy level algorithms. Also it is important to think about problems, read a lot of ideas and is able to communicate and share with others on Leetcode discuss as well.

I like to see myself relax, and structure very well in my training and lead to so progress over the time. 190 easy level algorithm should be reviewed first using one hour session, and then I need to code those algorithms as well if I have time. I like to build good thinking process.

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