Sunday, August 5, 2018

45 minutes coaching from Tsinghua coach

August 5, 2018


It is Sunday morning 8:00 AM. I had chance to talk to my ex-coach forty minutes about a few algorithms and he also gave me his analysis. He is in the city of Beijing and I am in the city of Vancouver.

It is so surprising to have a coach and then I know what to do next. I like to write down the conversation by the time.

Time line

8:00 - 8:10
I described the algorithm called to define an iterator for list of iterators. He said that he did not really understand the problem, so I explained the problem to him. There are two possibilities, one is all lists are sorted, second one is not sorted. If all lists are sorted, then define a minimum heap. If all lists are not sorted, then put everything in the minimum heap. The time complexity should be nlogm, n is total nodes in all lists, m is number of lists.

He said that if the list is not sorted, it can be sorted using in place, like quick sort as well. ( I like the idea and did not think about it at all. )
你也可以把一个 iterator 排好序, 用 inplace, quick sort.

I told him that I studied the algorithm one day before, called Merge k sorted lists in Leetcode.

The coach said that you have to calm down, work on more Leetcode easy level algorithm. You can finish 40 algorithms in one month (July 10 - August 5), one year you can finish 400 algorithms. Overall, if you do not practice enough, you will be nervous, or all kinds of problems.

Julia: 我感觉紧张。 我照你说的去做, 刷了四十道题。 二道题都在里面。
Coach: 刷题没有刷够。 就会出各种问题。 就像高考, 你没有考好。 不是再考一次, 应该准备一年, 基本功练好。 中国人就只能刷题。
Coach: 你现在一个月刷了 40 道题, 一年就能刷400 道题。你可以写邮件要求第二次,但是只看现场表现。
Julia: 刷题感觉累。 周六就刷了五道题。
Coach:不能赶速度。 有时候我刷题也感觉累。 动脑太多。

8:10 - 8:20
我开始讲bad version 这道题。 我想用数值, 提醒用数组, 预处理就用了时间 O(N). 我用了二个变量, 好的和坏的version。 用二分法, 找中间值。 如果是坏的, 看左边的邻居是好还是坏。
这道题从开始到结束就用了20分钟。 我就没有给机会回到第一道题。 不停地提问题。

8:20 - 8:30
我开始讲 infix expression to construct binary expression tree. 用堆栈来做。(1+2), 把(1+2推进栈, 碰到), 开始出栈。
其实我想拿一部分分数, 没有用堆栈。不管如何,用堆栈。postfix 用堆栈。但是infix也是可以用堆栈, 你自己多用几个左右括号,就自己搞定规则。

coach: 可以转换成 postfix expression.
Julia: 不用转。 直接用堆栈。 反正用多余的左右() enforce priority. 多余的左右() 便宜。

8:30 - 8:40
Julia: 我开始讲刷题把一个BST转换成链表。 我开始把左子树换成链表, 连到右子树链表。 花了一个小时。 通不过。 换一种思路, 用二个变量, 前一个和当前, 五分钟写出来。 觉得不对, 把第一个思路做通。 用中序做了, 想想后序也有可能做通。
coach: 刷题把几种思路都做了。 有时刷了100道, 其实就刷了10道。 你把多个思路都刷了, 下一道就可能有同样的思路。

Julia: 我觉得这次刷四十道题, 刷出兴趣来了。 以前刷题少, 因为没有体会到乐趣和好处。 还有就是刷题好的多的, 就不在朋友圈里。

Julia: 我又讲一道难题, 一年前刷了, 几个月前又研究了, 写了十个博客。各种想法。 结果还是不会做。 这次我就记住一个例子, 自己解释如何用这个例子, 解释如何除去多余括号。链接在这:去除多余的左右括号

Julia: 我还在做面试,, 我最近碰到一个Waterloo本科生, 做过二次谷歌实习。他解题就比较有策略。把问题弄清楚。

Julia: 我沟通问题, 一问一答。我有时回答问题。接着说。
coach:这个不好指导。只能靠多刷题。 题目见的多了,自然就会轻松应付。

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